cyrusimap / cyrus-imapd

Cyrus IMAP is an email, contacts and calendar server
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Cyrus 2.4.19/Leap 15.1/LMTPD terminates abnormally with status 7 after disk overflow #3000

Open PotatoCarl opened 4 years ago

PotatoCarl commented 4 years ago

Hi I have a major problem with my Cyrus installation (Suse Leap 15.1), which was running perfectly for many years. I had a disk overflow, i.e. nothing be written anymore. So far, not the big deal. I cleaned up some stuff (happened before). But Cyrus is not coming up again.

In the journal the following message appears all the time:

Feb 24 11:45:07 directory1 master[26436]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/lmtpd
Feb 24 11:45:08 directory1 ctl_cyrusdb[26422]: done checkpointing cyrus databases
Feb 24 11:45:08 directory1 master[26397]: process 26422 exited, status 0
Feb 24 11:45:08 directory1 lmtpunix[26436]: executed
Feb 24 11:45:09 directory1 master[26397]: process 26436 exited, signaled to death by 7
Feb 24 11:45:09 directory1 master[26397]: service lmtpunix pid 26436 in READY state: terminated abnormally

I tried for two days to get it back to work (which was shooting in the dark, as there was no update, no change, no anything between "work" and "does not work". I could not find anything about this matter in the internet.

So I decided to move it to a new server (freshly installed).

To my surprise, same issue. I just cannot get Cyrus to operate anymore.

I am deep into water, no mail here, no idea even where to look anymore.

Please, can somebody help?

I'll be happy to post any config file, but I don't think it makes sense to bomb this thread with lots of useless information. Greetings

elliefm commented 4 years ago

You might want to re-ask this question on the info-cyrus mailing list:

You're much more likely to find someone who has experienced a similar situation there than you are here. You're also more likely to find people with recent experience of 2.4. As developers, we mostly haven't run a 2.4-ish environment in a very very long time!

PotatoCarl commented 4 years ago

Thanks. As the development seems to continue I wonder why the distributions typically have 2.4 installed - as well as even recent open source software seems to rely pretty much on 2.4. I have just noticed here on github that a 2.5 and even 3.0 exists. Would those be fast? More stable? Easier (i.e. somewhat with a tool or at last an easy manageable text-config) to administer? And would there be a backward compatibility for our groupware (Group-E) which also relies on a Cyrus Version up to 2.4. for administration? Thanks for answering to those completely unreleated questions, I will have a look at the mailinglist.

As a side remark: I have managed to get it up and running in a KVM Virtual machine based on SuSE Leap 15.1 I was however forced to remove the /var/lib/imap directory and rebuild it wit ctl_cyrusdb -r and then reconstruct (as user cyrus) Still, regulariy a sever DBERROR might pop up and I have to redo.

elliefm commented 4 years ago

3.0 is the current stable release, but 3.2 is currently in beta and is expected to be released sometime next month. When it is, it will be the new stable release. 2.5 is already quite old, and I would recommend skipping it entirely if you decide to upgrade.

I don't know why some distributions still hold onto 2.4, but I assume it's because nobody from the distribution cares enough about it to test/package/support a new one (or their userbase don't care enough to complain), so they just stick with what they already have.

I'm not familiar with Group-E; you'll need to check with them for which versions of Cyrus they're compatible with. We try to support standard protocols, so if they use standard protocols, maybe they're fine. But we absolutely do not make any promise of maintaining backward compatibility with old bugs! So if they depend on some non-standard quirk of 2.4 for some reason, they might be unable to support versions where that has been fixed.

You can check the release notes for a summary of new features, performance improvements, quality of life improvements, etc. Since you're coming from so far back, you'll need to check 2.5.0, 3.0.0 and 3.2.0-beta's release notes to get a complete picture (because each new major release only lists changes since the last major release). Release notes for 2.5 and 3.0 are on the main website here: and beta release notes for the upcoming 3.2 release are here (for now):

PotatoCarl commented 4 years ago

Thank you for this exhaustive answer! I will have a look at the notes and try to make my way into the "current" version.