cyrusstoller / StartX-MedIC
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stress sensors #9

Open yosemitebandit opened 11 years ago

yosemitebandit commented 11 years ago

more partially-serious hardware ideas:

we build galvanic skin response stress sensors and embed them in computer mouses. employers can then get recommendations about whether they should ease up on the workload or crack the whip.

conservasian commented 11 years ago

This is a pretty neat idea. Mice are ubiquitous in workplaces. The sensors could also measure heart rate (kind of like the sensors on exercise machines). We could also put the sensors on laptops (where people put their hands when they type).

For these quantified self projects, we should only send de-identified data to employers, to reduce Orwellian fears.

cyrusstoller commented 11 years ago

Is this something that you would mount on existing mice or would we try to prototype a new mouse?

yosemitebandit commented 11 years ago

I guess I was thinking we could acknowledge that we know it's Orwellian by going really over the top, like satire..

probably stick it on existing mice.

oh yeah, and this apparently exists.

cyrusstoller commented 11 years ago

Leave it to instructables ... lol