cyruzzo / AboveVTT

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
122 stars 56 forks source link

TypeError: Failed to fetch #1026

Open AcediaJin opened 1 year ago

AcediaJin commented 1 year ago


Failed to start AboveVTT on
TypeError: Failed to fetch
Error: TypeError: Failed to fetch
    at showError (chrome-extension://ipcjcbhpofedihcloggaichibomadlei/CoreFunctions.js:98:13)
    at chrome-extension://ipcjcbhpofedihcloggaichibomadlei/Startup.js:39:9


AcediaJin commented 1 year ago

has anyone a Idea what to do?

vlaminck commented 1 year ago

This one is a bit odd. Can you open the developer console and look for more logs? F12 > "console" tab > look for red and yellow lines. The logs surrounding this error might be useful as well.

AcediaJin commented 1 year ago
Load.js:1 Load.js is executing
Load.js:44 attempting to append abovevtt.css
Load.js:44 attempting to append jquery-ui.min.css
Load.js:44 attempting to append jquery.ui.theme.min.css
Load.js:44 attempting to append jquery.contextMenu.css
Load.js:44 attempting to append color-picker.min.css
Load.js:44 attempting to append spectrum-2.0.8.min.css
Load.js:44 attempting to append magnific-popup.css
Load.js:44 attempting to append DiceContextMenu/DiceContextMenu.css
Load.js:125 attempting to append jquery-3.6.0.min.js
 LoadCharacterPage.js is executing
Load.js:127 finished injecting jquery-3.6.0.min.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append jquery-ui.min.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting jquery-ui.min.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append jquery.ui.touch-punch.js

       Denying load of chrome-extension://ipcjcbhpofedihcloggaichibomadlei/font/context-menu-icons.woff2?33lxn. Resources must be listed in the web_accessible_resources manifest key in order to be loaded by pages outside the extension.

       Denying load of chrome-extension://ipcjcbhpofedihcloggaichibomadlei/font/context-menu-icons.woff?33lxn. Resources must be listed in the web_accessible_resources manifest key in order to be loaded by pages outside the extension.

       Denying load of chrome-extension://ipcjcbhpofedihcloggaichibomadlei/font/context-menu-icons.ttf?33lxn. Resources must be listed in the web_accessible_resources manifest key in order to be loaded by pages outside the extension.
Load.js:127 finished injecting jquery.ui.touch-punch.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append jquery.contextMenu.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting jquery.contextMenu.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append jquery.magnific-popup.min.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting jquery.magnific-popup.min.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append spectrum-2.0.8.min.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting spectrum-2.0.8.min.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append purify.min.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting purify.min.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append jitsi_external_api.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting jitsi_external_api.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append rpg-dice-roller.bundle.min.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting rpg-dice-roller.bundle.min.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append color-picker.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting color-picker.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append mousetrap.1.6.5.min.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting mousetrap.1.6.5.min.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append peerjs.min.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting peerjs.min.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append fuse.min.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting fuse.min.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append environment.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting environment.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append AboveApi.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting AboveApi.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append DDBApi.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting DDBApi.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append AOETemplates.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting AOETemplates.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append Text.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting Text.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append CombatTracker.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting CombatTracker.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append DnDBeyond/DDBCharacterData.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting DnDBeyond/DDBCharacterData.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append EncounterHandler.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting EncounterHandler.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append Fog.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting Fog.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append Jitsi.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting Jitsi.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append Journal.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting Journal.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append KeypressHandler.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting KeypressHandler.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append MessageBroker.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting MessageBroker.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append MonsterDice.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting MonsterDice.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append PlayerPanel.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting PlayerPanel.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append SceneData.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting SceneData.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append ScenesHandler.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting ScenesHandler.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append ScenesPanel.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting ScenesPanel.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append Settings.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting Settings.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append SidebarPanel.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting SidebarPanel.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append SoundPad.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting SoundPad.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append StatHandler.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting StatHandler.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append Token.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting Token.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append TokenMenu.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting TokenMenu.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append ChatObserver.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting ChatObserver.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append DiceContextMenu/DiceContextMenu.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting DiceContextMenu/DiceContextMenu.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append TokensPanel.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting TokensPanel.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append TokenCustomization.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting TokenCustomization.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append built-in-tokens.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting built-in-tokens.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append PeerManager.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting PeerManager.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append PeerCommunication.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting PeerCommunication.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append ajaxQueue/ajaxQueueIndex.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting ajaxQueue/ajaxQueueIndex.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append DiceRoller.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting DiceRoller.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append Main.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting Main.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append MonsterStatBlock.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting MonsterStatBlock.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append CoreFunctions.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting CoreFunctions.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append CampaignPage.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting CampaignPage.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append CharactersPage.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting CharactersPage.js
Load.js:125 attempting to append Startup.js
Load.js:127 finished injecting Startup.js
instrument.ts:129 startup calling init_splash
instrument.ts:129 startup_step Gathering basic campaign info
instrument.ts:129 DDBApi is refreshing auth token
instrument.ts:129 DDBApi.fetchCharacter response Object
instrument.ts:129 harvest_campaign_secret found it in localStorage
instrument.ts:129 startup_step Starting AboveVTT for character
instrument.ts:129 start_above_vtt_common
instrument.ts:129 startup_step Gathering player character data
instrument.ts:129 Babylon.js v5.6.0 - WebGL2 - Parallel shader compilation
instrument.ts:129 startup_step Fetching config data from DDB
instrument.ts:129 startup_step Fetching token customizations
instrument.ts:129 startup_step Creating StatHandler, PeerManager, and MessageBroker
instrument.ts:129 TOKEN IS CACHED
instrument.ts:129 LOADING WS: There Are 0 elements in the queue
instrument.ts:129 STARTING MB WITH 
instrument.ts:129 startup_step Setting up UI
instrument.ts:129 init_sidebar_tabs
instrument.ts:129 update_pclist pcs Array(4)
instrument.ts:129 redraw_settings_panel_token_examples undefined
instrument.ts:129 init_ui
instrument.ts:129 adjust_site_bar setting width to 910px
instrument.ts:129 TOKEN IS CACHED
instrument.ts:129 adjust_site_bar setting width to 910px
instrument.ts:129 startup_step Fetching scene from AboveVTT server

       WebSocket connection to 'wss://[REDACTED]' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
loadAboveWS @ MessageBroker.js:150
instrument.ts:129 Empting callback queue list[REDACTED]:1 

       Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

       Failed to start AboveVTT on TypeError: Failed to fetch
    at instrument.ts:158:28
    at AboveApi.fetchJson (AboveApi.js:44:27)
    at AboveApi.getCurrentScene (AboveApi.js:69:33)
    at start_above_vtt_for_players (Startup.js:170:43)
(anonym) @ instrument.ts:129
Promise.catch (asynchron)
(anonym) @ Startup.js:38
e @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
t @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
setTimeout (asynchron)
(anonym) @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
c @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
add @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
(anonym) @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
Deferred @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
then @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
S.fn.ready @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
S.fn.init @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
S @ VM944 jquery-3.6.0.min.js:2
(anonym) @ Startup.js:8
instrument.ts:129 extraString Array(1)
instrument.ts:129 Sending playerjoin msg, abovevtt version: 0.88, sheet ID:96025953
instrument.ts:129 configure_peer_manager_from_settings
instrument.ts:129 disable_peer_manager
instrument.ts:129 stop_sending_cursor_to_peers

       WebSocket connection to 'wss://[REDACTED]' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
loadAboveWS @ MessageBroker.js:150
instrument.ts:129 deciphering
instrument.ts:129 injection_id = ab7e27a0-77b0-4cb5-bbc6-46c86d61e7dd0
instrument.ts:129 injection_data = [object Object]
instrument.ts:129 stop deciphering
instrument.ts:129 init_sidebar_tabs
instrument.ts:129 update_pclist pcs Array(4)
instrument.ts:129 redraw_settings_panel_token_examples undefined
instrument.ts:129 adjust_site_bar setting width to 100%
vlaminck commented 1 year ago

Did you join from the character sheet? If so, can you try joining from the campaign page?

It sort of looks like your DM may have changed the join link recently. That shouldn't prevent you from joining from the character page, but if that's the case, I know how to fix it.

AcediaJin commented 1 year ago

yeah I joined from the character page - cuz if I join from the campain page I only get to the home page of DnD-Beyond

vlaminck commented 1 year ago

Oh, this is a weird one, but try

  1. Clicking the "edit" button for your character.
  2. Change the avatar image, save, change it back, save.
  3. Try joining from the campaign page

If that doesn't work, try unassign and reassign the character, then join from the campaign page

AcediaJin commented 1 year ago

oh, if I try to edit the char in the campain window - it just reloads the page...

vlaminck commented 1 year ago

If you disable AboveVTT, can you edit the character? If not, I think you need to reach out to DndBeyond for help.

Azmoria commented 1 year ago

oh, if I try to edit the char in the campain window - it just reloads the page...

I think this was mentioned on discord 2-3 weeks ago too. I dunno if they found a resolution but they found some info here

AcediaJin commented 1 year ago

thank I will check it out.

funny enough I can edit a unassigned char but not my own...

AcediaJin commented 1 year ago

lol, I have no access to the discord link...

vlaminck commented 1 year ago

This is what they said:

we tried that a few times earlier today to see if it'd work, no dice so far. Currently he is using character options that are being shared by another player (the other player is the DM for 2 other campaigns I am playing) but to try to workaround that, he left the campaign earlier, recreated his character using the base PHB options, then rejoined the campaign (with the intent of editing his character with the options through content sharing), and we ended with the same result then, following that, he left the campaign once more, and I recreated his exact character in the campaign and left it as an unassigned character prior to my friend taking over the character, I was able to view/edit the character I made as soon as he rejoined the campaign and took the unassigned character, we started having the same bug again This person is having the exact same issue I'm having, but there is no resolution available in the thread unfortunately

vlaminck commented 1 year ago

Apparently, this is how they work around it:

So essentially, my friend was still able to access the VTT and his character sheet within VTT by joining off of his Characters list, rather than the Campaign page so I just created a quick homebrew monster with his character's image as the token image for the monster, and manually set the HP/AC on the token so I could track it easier then let him use the "monster" token as his own

I would try creating an entirely new character and see if you can join with the new character instead.

Josh-Archer commented 1 year ago

I reproduced this by accident. If you opena sheet not related to the campaign loaded in AboveVTT, then it triggers. I fixed by closing out the other sheets/campaign pages. Sometimes I just get a black screen though. Guessing it is related to how the playerTokenId is pulled?

vlaminck commented 1 year ago

I reproduced this by accident. If you opena sheet not related to the campaign loaded in AboveVTT, then it triggers. I fixed by closing out the other sheets/campaign pages. Sometimes I just get a black screen though. Guessing it is related to how the playerTokenId is pulled?

I wonder if this is related to the cross tab sync which was cleaned up in 0.93-beta1. Can you try to reproduce this again?