cyruzzo / AboveVTT

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Constant Websocket Reconnects #2278

Open SleepySloth47 opened 1 week ago

SleepySloth47 commented 1 week ago


Failed to fetch
Failed to start AboveVTT on
TypeError: Failed to fetch
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at fetch (
    at AboveApi.fetchJson (chrome-extension://ipcjcbhpofedihcloggaichibomadlei/AboveApi.js:44:27)
    at AboveApi.getCurrentScene (chrome-extension://ipcjcbhpofedihcloggaichibomadlei/AboveApi.js:69:33)
    at start_above_vtt_for_players (chrome-extension://ipcjcbhpofedihcloggaichibomadlei/Startup.js:466:43)</anonymous>



Other Logs:

ERROR 2024-06-23T00:56:27.875Z

LOG 2024-06-23T00:56:25.823Z
      debounce_fetch_character_from_api is about to call update_pc_with_data with
      {"senses":[],"proficiencyGroups":[{"group":"Armor","values":""},{"group":"Weapons","values":"Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Dart, Quarterstaff, Sling"},{"group":"Tools","values":"Playing Card Set"},{"group":"Languages","values":"Common, Dwarvish"}],"classes":[{"name":"Wizard","level":2,"subclassName":"School of Evocation"}],"proficiencyBonus":2,"resistances":[],"extras":{"creatures":[]},"decorations":{"backdrop":{"largeBackdropAvatarUrl":"","smallBackdropAvatarUrl":"","backdropAvatarUrl":"","thumbnailBackdropAvatarUrl":""},"characterTheme":{"name":"DDB Red","isDarkMode":false,"isDefault":true,"backgroundColor":"#FEFEFE","themeColor":"#C53131"},"avatar":{"avatarUrl"
Azmoria commented 1 week ago

The most common cause of constant reconnects is VPNs or other extensions/programs. It could also be settings on a router or modem especially school/work networks.

Unfortunately it's mostly guess and check until the problem piece can be found. Some quick ways to narrow it down - try another browser preferably without other extensions will eliminate browser settings and other extensions.

Temporarily disable any firewall/antivirus (if it's these you may need to whitelist the websocket address).

If possible try a different device/network - possibly using a phone as a hotspot to see if it's device/network settings.

As for the 'Failed to fetch' error, if this is only happening at the start when loading is sometimes just a blip and refreshing usually fixes it. It's a generic error when anything can't be retrieved from a server.