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Can we load -custom- maps from Maps? #2489

Open dubiousgit opened 6 days ago

dubiousgit commented 6 days ago

Just wondering how feasible it would be to incorporate the D&D Beyond Maps maps?

I believe it's still a paid-for feature, but given it's on the same platform that AboveVTT runs on, it's more convenient than hosting it elsewhere and importing.

I used to use Maps before I discovered AboveVTT and the ability to just 'upload' to the service was very convenient.

I'm not sure how stable the interfaces to the 'Maps' component of D&D Beyond will be.

natemoonlife commented 6 days ago

Any dndbeyond map that you own through the sources on dndbeyond are already also available on AboveVTT.

You don't need to host anything for those types of maps. Just go to make a new scene, click "dndbeyond" as the source, and find the source book you are using and the scenes within. Then, you can just import those dndbeyond maps from there.

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natemoonlife commented 6 days ago

Also- feel free to join discord! We have a lively community there with lots of helpful people and information. Can also have more "conversation" discussions about this kinda stuff there.

dubiousgit commented 6 days ago

Hi @natemoonlife, I meant more the custom maps that I've uploaded to Maps, rather than those in the sources. It was/is a convenient service because I could just Upload a map to the Map Browser and have it immediately available.

Azmoria commented 6 days ago

We have talked about integrating into it at one point and trying to connect up. I haven't been able to find a way yet as all the links include temporary security tokens that allow access to them. These tokens last an hour before having to be refreshed.

It's hard without seeing the server end but I haven't been able to find a way to get a permanent link or update the link easily from our end. So for the maps unique to MAPS only thing I've found is downloading them.

For custom maps like you're using the integrated dropbox/onedrive is probably the closest equivalent we have. Dropbox has fewer issues from what I've seen talking to people on discord. The downside of dropbox is it's only 2gb at the free level. Onedrive has been moving peoples stuff to new servers causing some issues with audio at least.

dubiousgit commented 6 days ago

Mmm interesting, I can see how that would be an issue if you're not in charge of the refresh. I'm not a frontend dev so please excuse this question, in the case of a 'Projector' setup, might it potentially be enough to keep the Maps interface loaded in another tab?

Obviously there are the security considerations and the fact it would need to be facilitated by an extension, I suspect?