cysouw / qlcMatrix

Utility sparse matrix functions for Quantitative Language Comparison (QLC)
6 stars 6 forks source link

Not availabel on R 4.3.2 #3

Closed jowodo closed 5 months ago

jowodo commented 10 months ago


I want to install hdWGCNA which depends on qlcMatrix, but when I try to install from CRAN, I get this error message: INPUT (from bash):

echo 'install.packages("qlcMatrix")' | R --no-save


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> install.packages("qlcMatrix")
Warning message:
package 'qlcMatrix' is not available for this version of R

A version of this package for your version of R might be available elsewhere,
see the ideas at

installing from github works. (from within R)

pettyalex commented 8 months ago

qlcMatrix was removed from CRAN because it failed a test:

It would have to be fixed and re-uploaded by the maintainer to become available on CRAN again.

jowodo commented 8 months ago

Unfortunately the last update on cran was on 2018-04-20 It seems that this project is dead ...

cysouw commented 5 months ago

no, it's not dead! However, I'm working on other things, so this went under the radar, sorry.

I have tried to fix all problems and I am about to upload a new version to CRAN. Can you please try devtools::install_github("cysouw/qlcMatrix") to check if everything is working on your side?

jowodo commented 5 months ago

thanks for the response and the fixing, but I don't work at the same premise. If it can be installed to R 4.3, this issue can be closed.

cysouw commented 5 months ago

qlcMatrix should be back on CRAN any moment now!