cytomining / cytominer-eval

[Deprecated] Common Evaluation Metrics for DataFrames
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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`precision_recall()` counts within group connections twice but not between group connections #62

Open FloHu opened 2 years ago

FloHu commented 2 years ago

When reading the source code for cytominer_eval.operations.precision_recall() I noticed that the similarity_melted_df variable counts each replicate pair twice, e.g. A1 --> A2 and A2 --> A1. This becomes a problem because only the first replicate_group_col in lines 49-52 is subsequently used for grouping:

49 replicate_group_cols = [
50    "{x}{suf}".format(x=x, suf=pair_ids[list(pair_ids)[0]]["suffix"])  # [0] keeps only the first of two grouping columns
51    for x in replicate_groups
52 ]

In the next step, each group is passed to calculate_precision_recall():

59   precision_recall_df_at_k = similarity_melted_df.groupby(
60        replicate_group_cols
61    ).apply(lambda x: calculate_precision_recall(x, k=k_))
62    precision_recall_df = precision_recall_df.append(precision_recall_df_at_k)

With the effect that all samples from within a group are counted twice. However, samples from outside the group are only counted once because group_by will filter out one direction.

Let me clarify this with an example. Consider 5 samples, the first 3 from group 'A', the second 2 from group 'B', both with greater within-group than between group correlations:


Then what calculate_precision_recall will see is this: image

For example, one can see that the sample_pair_a column has a row for A1-->A2 and one for A2-->A1 but only one for A1-->B1. B1-->A1 is missing because of the way the melted data frame is generated and the grouping is performed. One can also see that the similarity metrics for within group connections appear in duplicates.

Accordingly the outcome for precision and recall at k=4 is the following: image Precision: all 4 closest connections are from within group for A but only 2 for group B. Recall: 4/6 connections found for A but all 2 found for B.

In summary, the computations are not entirely correct, especially for smaller groups. Also consider that with odd values for k only one of the two connections of the symmetric pair is used.

Admittedly, this is a bit mind-boggling. I recommend using a debugger if you want to trace all the steps in detail by yourself.

Proposed solution: I would suggest to count each pair only once when creating the melted data frame.

michaelbornholdt commented 2 years ago

Hey @FloHu Great catch! I have spent quite some time looking at the debugger and trying to understand how recall actually works! And I never noticed this particular thing. I knew that it was counting connections and not nearest neighbors which is confusing enough.

michaelbornholdt commented 2 years ago

I think we need to decide with @shntnu and probably also @gwaygenomics how this should be and then implement it.

I find it very confusing that we are not counting nearest neighbors but instead connections that can have two directions.

gwaybio commented 2 years ago

Thanks for tracking this down @FloHu

I'll point you to this:

I would suggest to count each pair only once when creating the melted data frame.

Maybe this is where the fix belongs?

As far as how to move forward, I recommend filing a pull request to implement the appropriate code changes. Perhaps you can start first with breaking the tests by adding the correct calculation that you could calculate by hand (or a different, more reliable tool). Then, we'll know if any fix corrects the calculation.

FloHu commented 2 years ago

Exactly, the counting of the connections did not filter out/consider the bidirectionality.

@gwaygenomics , yes I think what you are quoting is where the fix belongs. I have this already on my to do list and will submit a pull request when I'm done.

michaelbornholdt commented 2 years ago

So we discussed this today in a meeting. Since I need to fix this before the end of my thesis its kinda urgent for me. So I will create a branch on my repo, fix and work with that.

Unless you @FloHu are motivated to work on this branch and create a propper PR to fix theis issue. Overall its quite a fast fix IMO. We can have a chat on the zoom maybe if that is an option.

gwaybio commented 2 years ago

Great @michaelbornholdt - I'll do my best to provide a speedy review as well. To ensure that my review is speedy, I suggest that you approach the PR as I suggested above:

Perhaps you can start first with breaking the tests by adding the correct calculation that you could calculate by hand (or a different, more reliable tool). Then, we'll know if any fix corrects the calculation.

FloHu commented 2 years ago

Actually, if you could do that @michaelbornholdt that would be great. As you said, it should be a quick fix. I'm happy to check my examples then with the new version and compare them with what I posted here.

shntnu commented 2 years ago

Hopefully, this aligns with what we discussed @michaelbornholdt:

The implementation as it is right now is correct in the sense that we are reporting a class probability metric, (here, Precision@K) for a query result, where the query happens to be all the compounds of the MOA, and the results are the ranked list of compounds in the dataset, including the compounds in that MOA.

Let's say that the query had Q elements, and the whole dataset had D elements. The query result should have QQ (i.e. within MOA similarities) - ​Q (i.e. self-similarity of each compound in the MOA) + Q(D-Q) (i.e. similarities to compounds not in the MOA) ​= QD - Q elements.

We are now reporting Precision@K (or whatever) on these QD-Q elements, each of which is an edge between a compound in the MOA and some other compound in the dataset (including compounds in the MOA).

The only issue is that the K here is the size of the head of the list, but the list comprises edges from a set of points, not a single point, so you should look at the top K*Q elements of the list i.e. when you compute precision, you should compute, Precision@KQ really (for it to make intuitive sense). And because the Q is different for different MOAs, the KQ will be different for each.

So that's one way to fix it – changed K to KQ, per MOA.

The other way to fix it is to not use a set to query, and instead, report the class probability metric per compound, and then aggregate per MOA i.e. macro-average instead of micro-average, roughly. That's the solution you converged on yesterday, which works well. The only issue with the macro-averaging is that, if the package did support multi-labels, your macro-average would be inaccurate because you'd have averaged metrics of compounds belonging to an MOA, but the metrics of each compound would be based on all the classes to which it belongs. E.g. imagine a compound C belong to M1 and M2, and its ability to cluster with M2 compounds was awesome but with M1 compounds sucked. The macro-average for M1 would then benefit from C's ability to cluster well with M2 compounds, which is really unfair, you know.

However, because the package does not support multi-label, it is fine to go with your solution (this is the tl;dr, appropriately placed at the end :D)

PS – I'm not in the zone of thinking about this anymore, but I think it's the case that this is an issue only for class probability metrics that have a threshold, and not others, e.g. PRAUC and AP are not affected

michaelbornholdt commented 2 years ago

@FloHu @shntnu @gwaygenomics

So there is a branch on my repo which has a 'fixed' version of precision recall. As we said, its really small. If someone has the time to come up with good tests, we could merge it sometime soon...

gwaybio commented 2 years ago

if all the existing tests did was to test that ITGAV was the best, I'd argue that it is not your responsibility to improve them. I would say though, that it is your responsibility to document in a new issue that the tests for precision-recall should be improved. You should link this issue.

That being said, you must have done some internal testing to confirm that your fix works - why not add those tests if you have them already? That should take ~1 hour to add and review. worth it IMO

So, my vote is to file a pull request from that branch you list and get it into the repo, before having a perfect test (esp. since one didn't exist already), to avoid the situation where branches diverge and future folks use precision recall incorrectly.

michaelbornholdt commented 2 years ago

My internal test was looking through the debug mode and checking if everything looked correct. I guess you are right, I will document the remaining test problems and see how far I can get with this.

There will be a Merge conflict with hit@k. So I think I need to figure out which one to do first.

FloHu commented 2 years ago

I am not sure I follow @shntnu. You write: "The query result should have QQ (i.e. within MOA similarities) - ​Q (i.e. self-similarity of each compound in the MOA) + Q(D-Q) (i.e. similarities to compounds not in the MOA) ​= QD - Q elements."

Is this not exactly the problem? Assuming Q = 4 and D = 6 (so 2 non-query nodes): this way we count within query connections twice (QQ - Q, so 16-4 in a 4x4 table) whereas connections from the query to the non-query points are counted once: 4(6-4) = 8 (these edges are all unique). I think it should be (QQ-Q)/2 + Q*(D-Q). edit: I mistakenly wrote QQ/2 - Q + Q(D-Q) here before, to which shntnu refers

The fact that Q has a different size for each MoA is separate from that. I have not thought through your @KQ and macro/micro average discussion in detail now but clearly this factor needs to be considered too.

shntnu commented 2 years ago

Here's an easy way to check: what if Q=1?

The count cannot be QQ/2 - Q + Q(D-Q) because you'll get D - 1.5. It should be D-1.

(I assume we're clear that D is the total number of vertices?)

Don't think of it as double counting same-MOA edges. Think of it as: for each query vertex, you have Q-1 same-MOA edges and D-Q different-MOA edges.

FloHu commented 2 years ago

Sorry, my bad, I meant (Q*Q - Q)/2 (i.e. the number of pairs in a table if order does not matter and without self-self). In which case you always get an integer and for Q = 1 the result is 0. It is true that one gets Q-1 same MOA edges and D-Q different-MOA edges: but that's when the problem arises when subsequently applying groupby for the first column of the pair of the query set (see initial post): then two nodes A1, A2 (same MOA) will each appear on the lhs once and thus their connections with each other appear twice. However, the same is not true for a pair A1 and X1 (X being a different MOA): there, X1 will not appear on the lhs of the table (the _pair1 suffix for which groupby is applied) and so it is not counted in the other direction.