cytomining / profiling-recipe

Image-based Profiling Recipe
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Provide instructions on how to run the JUMP-specific profiling recipe #38

Open shntnu opened 1 year ago

shntnu commented 1 year ago

We should provide instructions on how to run the JUMP-specific profiling recipe. This might need to be done elsewhere, not in this repo.

It's possible what we have in "Instructions provided to JUMP partners" below has all the information we need but it still needs to be written up somewhere.

We can then have someone test-drive the instructions. The goal will be to recreate everything downstream of Chapter 5.3 in the profiling handbook, for a Cellpainting Gallery dataset (e.g., one plate of cpg0012).

Some notes on our past discussions are below.

Shantanu Singh 2 months ago Thanks for clarifying – I hadn’t looked carefully at the difference between the JUMP instructions (Step 3 onwards; this is copied below at the end of this issue comment) and the recipe README. So looks like the only difference is

  1. JUMP instructions specify which commit of the recipe to use, but the recipe README does not specify it (in fact, even if we wanted to do so, the right place to do it would be in the profiling-template README, right?
  2. JUMP instructions specify what changes to make to the config.yml, but the recipe README only says that changes to config.yml can be made (“All the necessary changes to the config file must be made before the pipeline can be run.“) Neither are differences in the workflow per se – the first specifies which commit to use, the second specifies what config to use. Is that correct? If so, we are all set there.

Two more questions

  1. is it correct that the recipe – in its current form – does not attempt to do anything upstream of annotate? It’s pretty clear in the README (“Downloading the data”) but I wanted to doublecheck.
  2. both, the recipe README as well as the handbook specify step-by-step instructions for running the recipe; would it be sensible to have the instructions only in of the two locations? If so, where should they live? I think the handbook lends itself more naturally

Niranj Chandrasekaran 2 months ago

JUMP instructions specify which commit of the recipe to use, but the recipe README does not specify it (in fact, even if we wanted to do so, the right place to do it would be in the profiling-template README.

That’s right. Currently the instructions say that we add the recipe as a submodule. We should just add another line to checkout a particular commit if we want everyone to use a specific version of the recipe.

JUMP instructions specify what changes to make to the config.yml, but the recipe README only says that changes to config.yml can be made (“All the necessary changes to the config file must be made before the pipeline can be run.“)

I guess the instructions will be dataset/project specific. Perhaps a more general version of the JUMP instructions can be added to the recipe README as recommended changes to config.yml.

is it correct that the recipe – in its current form – does not attempt to do anything upstream of annotate? It’s pretty clear in the README (“Downloading the data”) but I wanted to doublecheck.

The recipe can aggregate, given a sqlite file. But it doesn’t do it in parallel, which we may want to do for large projects. But for small projects with only a few plates, the recipe can be used for aggregation (for example -

_both, the recipe README as well as the handbook specify step-by-step instructions for running the recipe; would it be sensible to have the instructions only in of the two locations? If so, where should they live? I think the handbook lends itself more naturally

I initially wanted the handbook to be the go-to location for running the recipe. But there was a lot of documentation for the recipe that didn’t fit well in the handbook. Hence I started writing the README. But, I also think that the handbook should be the location for getting the step by step instructions and the README can remain as the place for getting additional information about the recipe. (edited)

Instructions provided to JUMP partners

(Copied from

Step 1: Image to single cell csv

Using the pipelines and the instructions until step 5.2 of the profiling handbook, generate the single cell csv files.

Step 2: Single cell csv to well level aggregated profiles

In step 5.3, before running, checkout the commit that contains the updated code. In the first code block, after cd pycytominer, do this:

git pull
git checkout jump
git checkout b4d32d39534c949ad5165f0b98b79537c2a7ca58


  1. When running, use the flag --image-feature-categories="Intensity,ImageQuality,Granularity,Texture,Count,Threshold"
  2. If you have previously run, please rerun it so that the whole-image features in the .sqlite file are added to the aggregated profiles. Don't forget to
    • use the --image-feature-categories flag mentioned in 1.
    • use the --aggregate-only to skip re-creating the .sqlite files
    • optionally, use the --overwrite flag (and do not use the --aggregate-only flag) if you do want to recreate the .sqlite files, but typically no need to do so unless something went wrong in the creation of .sqlite files

Note: The above instructions were updated after the discussion here (Broad internal slack) and here and here.

Step 3: Aggregated profiles to annotated, normalized, feature selected profiles

After running, switch over to the instructions in the profiling-recipe repo. These instructions are similar to the ones in the workflow demo but with additional details.

Before running the profiling pipeline, issue the following commands to make sure the correct version of the profiling-recipe is used by everyone

cd profiling-recipe
git pull
git checkout 745d7627213acd9d376172e5ac716a5d4c07fbec
cd ~/work/projects/${PROJECT_NAME}/workspace/software/${DATA}/

Note: we had previously specified using 3584ceca79e83065c72a7acb021d360026ace2a2. This still works. However, we now specify using 745d7627213acd9d376172e5ac716a5d4c07fbec (because we are now able to specify the MAD Robustize fudge factor in pycytominer).

Then the following changes should be made to the config.yml for generating the profiles.

  1. Give the pipeline a name.
  2. Aggregation: Set perform under aggregate to false as aggregation will be performed while running
  3. Annotation: Provide the name of the external metadata file, if it exists.
    • If you do have an external_metadata.csv, set perform under external to true and specify the name of the external metadata file)
    • If you do not have an external metadata file because all the metadata is already included in your platemap files, then set perform under external to false.
  4. In the platemap.txt file, use the JCP ID as the perturbation identifier. Name this column jump-identifier. If perform under external to true, make sure to set merge_column under annotate to jump-identifier.
  5. Normalization and feature selection: Since the code needs to know which wells contain controls, add two columns to your platemap.txt file: (1) pert_type which should say trt for treatment wells and control for control wells (2) control_type which should be left empty for treatment wells, and say negcon for DMSO wells and poscon for positive control wells.
  6. Provide batch names and plate names.

General instructions: