cytopia / ffscreencast

ffscreencast - ffmpeg screencast/desktop-recording with video overlay and multi monitor support
MIT License
1.77k stars 76 forks source link

install with brew? #4

Closed dimitrieh closed 8 years ago

dimitrieh commented 8 years ago

Hi I can't get it to work yet (how to install?), possible to get a brew install command?

cytopia commented 8 years ago

Hi @strages,

There is currently no brew (OSX) or any other packet (linux, bsd) available.

What you need to do is clone the repository:

git clone
cd ffscreencast

# copy binary to system
sudo cp bin/ffscreencast /usr/local/bin
# or to your local bin dir (if it exists)
cp bin/ffscreencast ~/bin

During the first start it will also create a configuration file in: ~/.config/ffscreencast/ffscreencastrc where you can alter default values.

cytopia commented 8 years ago

Anybody willing to add this to homebrew?

cytopia commented 8 years ago

Brew install command added brew install cytopia/tap/ffscreencast

Still awaiting official homebrew package (brew install ffscreencast). Hopefully it will be added soon.

dimitrieh commented 8 years ago
