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Sync node/edge_name_to_suid utility functions to include new unique_list=False parameter #139

Closed bdemchak closed 1 year ago

bdemchak commented 3 years ago
If a name occurs multiple times in the list and unique_list=True, a different SUID is returned
for each name instance, provided that the network has enough same-named edges. If not, an error is returned.

If a name occures multiple times but unique_list=False, a list of SUIDs is returned for each name instance. If there
is only one name, the SUID is returned as a scalar.

This is important in create_network_from_data_frames() and get_first_neighbors()

yihangx commented 2 years ago


AlexanderPico commented 1 year ago

This fix ( does not produce the desired output and it reverts the fix for #115 (, which attempted to fix #41.

We need to try again to cover all these cases and not leave prior test cases behind.

AlexanderPico commented 1 year ago

@yihangx Let's start with this code again and try to address Barry's request for a new param without breaking other use cases:

.edgeNameToEdgeSUID<-function(edge.names, network=NULL, base.url=.defaultBaseUrl) {
        dict <- getTableColumns('edge',c('SUID','name'),'default',network, base.url)
        test <- vapply(edge.names, function(x){x %in% dict[,'SUID']}, logical(1))
        if(all(test))  #provided SUIDs already!
        sorted.dict <- NULL
        if(length(edge.names) == length(unique(edge.names))){ #unique edge names
            sorted.dict <- dict[match(edge.names, dict$name), ] 
        } else { #multigraph: multiple edges with the same name
            message("Finding unique SUIDs for edges with the same name...\n")
            match_list <- list()
            for(i in seq_along(edge.names)){ #perform match with removal
                name_match <- dict[match(edge.names[[i]], dict$name),]
                match_list[[i]] <- name_match
                dict <- subset(dict, SUID != name_match$SUID)
            sorted.dict <-, match_list)
        edge.SUIDs <- sorted.dict$SUID
AlexanderPico commented 1 year ago

When we settle on a fix, then let's apply it to .nodeNameToNodeSUID as well.

bdemchak commented 1 year ago

Can you supply a list of cases that should be satisfied once this fix is in and works? I'm not sure how to test py4cytoscape to make sure it's working.

AlexanderPico commented 1 year ago

In addition to the cases you provided when opening this ticket, the only other case I have is from #41

graph <- graph_from_data_frame(data.frame(v1 = rep("A", 2),
                                          v1 = rep("B", 2),
                                          type = c("E1", "E2")))
createNetworkFromIgraph(graph, "graph")

Should end up with two edges with the same name but with different type values: E1 and E2

AlexanderPico commented 1 year ago

@yihangx This fix ( does not produce the desired output and it reverts the fix for (, which attempted to fix

We need to try again to cover all these cases and not leave prior test cases behind.

yihangx commented 1 year ago

@AlexanderPico Sure. I am working on this one.