I made this mermaid diagram (click the copy button or 'edit' on this message for source code) to explain how information flows between softwares in future mantis acquisitions:
%% this section is for defining sequence, the diagram will still render without these
participant Micro-Manager
participant mantis
participant recOrder
participant ONNX
loop every FOV
mantis->>Micro-Manager: hardware event queue
Micro-Manager->>mantis: raw BF
mantis->>recOrder: BF and metadata
Note over recOrder: waveorder reconstruction algorithms
recOrder->>mantis: reconstructed phase
mantis->>ONNX: reconstructed phase
Note over ONNX: run microDL model
ONNX->>mantis: nuclei prediction
Note over mantis: FOV scoring
mantis->>Micro-Manager: new hardware event queue
This text-based approach can be versioned and is potentially useful for documenting the inter-thread/process communication architecture in this project. E.g. for #27.
I made this mermaid diagram (click the copy button or 'edit' on this message for source code) to explain how information flows between softwares in future mantis acquisitions:
This text-based approach can be versioned and is potentially useful for documenting the inter-thread/process communication architecture in this project. E.g. for #27.