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Catalyst Project brochure website, built with JupyterBook.
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Create a catalyst usage policy #38

Open haroldcampbell opened 2 months ago

haroldcampbell commented 2 months ago

Draft a Catalyst Project shared responsibility document on data privacy.

This needs to clarify that users are responsible for following the local data privacy rules/legislation. This document should be written in a plain language description supplemented by references and links to more formal documentation.

Definition of Done/Measure of Success

LouWoodley commented 2 months ago

Noting the website team discussed this on April 10th at our weekly meeting. One option for this (in addition to any privacy policy updates) is to create an FAQs page where e.g., one question might be "what data is appropriate to share on our hub?" We could answer the question in 1 -2 sentences and then link to a blog post with more information and an example case study.

jnywong commented 2 months ago

Worth noting that partner communities should understand their responsibility towards protecting sensitive data used for bioinformatics/medical health research purposes.

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