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New blog post: Welcome to the blog - what it's going to be for #42

Closed LouWoodley closed 1 month ago

LouWoodley commented 3 months ago

This issue tracks the creation of a blog post describing the purpose of the CP blog

It is done when the blog post is published in English and Spanish

Link to Google doc for drafting:



katiepratt commented 2 months ago

Hi @LouWoodley - I've created a first draft of this blog post in the linked GDoc. Feel free to edit/make suggestions.

I also started a "Tag Taxonomy" in the style guide doc (

Please do add additional tags. I need to connect with Jenny about how these work, though (as noted in the draft blog post).

LouWoodley commented 2 months ago

Thanks, Katie! I made a few small edits to the post - I think it's looking good. I suggested a few potential additional tags in the style guide. Once we understand from Jenny how these works we'll know better how rigid we need to be about these upfront versus evolving as we go.

jnywong commented 2 months ago

Hey @katiepratt 👋 , there's a preview available in #58 although enabling the blog functionality is going to take a bit more time!

katiepratt commented 2 months ago

Thanks, @jnywong! A couple of quick changes:

"All reflection posts will also be tagged, and you will be able to find them all by filtering on the Team reflections tag." <should probably remove this until we actually have tags

"We are also working on creating a Spanish version of this website, and all blog posts will be available in both English and Spanish." Perhaps we should change this to "We are also working on creating a Spanish version of this website, and ultimately all blog posts will be available in both English and Spanish."

Otherwise, looks great!

jnywong commented 2 months ago

Blog functionality is enabled! 🚀

jnywong commented 2 months ago

I will update the blog post template with the following information:


Each blog post is associated with metadata such as

Posts can have multiple authors and tags. See 0. Catalyst Project Style Guide – Tag Taxonomy for a list of tags.


The first paragraph of your post will be treated as the byline to introduce your post. This will be formatted in italics and inserted below the title of the blog post and will show up in the as an excerpt in the blog index.

jnywong commented 2 months ago

At the website meeting, we agreed that we will publish the English and Spanish versions together since this post is not time-sensitive. Therefore progress is blocked for now until MD have capacity for translations starting from May.

SLLDeC commented 2 months ago

I checked the document in the above link, and it has a comment that I assume that should be marked as solved. Besides that, could I consider the document ready to be translated and pass it over to the translator?

jnywong commented 2 months ago

Hi @SLLDeC ! Sorry for the slow response, I am at a conference currently. Yes, I think we can mark the above document as the final draft ready for translation! Let me know how this progresses 👍

SLLDeC commented 2 months ago

The translated blog post is available in this link.

I left a comment regarding the translation of the tag name. Also. keep in mind that the links are the same as in the English version. This will need to be updated once the website has the Spanish version of the content.

jnywong commented 1 month ago

Hey @SLLDeC I have requested a review on PR #58, which includes the Spanish version of the blog post in the preview (scroll down to the bottom > show all checks > details to see the preview).

A few points (for @katiepratt too)

I think the structure of the blog could change to separate the Spanish and English content entirely if we restructure the website to localise for Spanish throughout. However, this work to is not in the pipeline quite yet, so I think the current method is safe to try for now.

SLLDeC commented 1 month ago

Hi! I reviewed, suggested, and left comments on the Spanish translations of blog tags.

Regarding the review of the PR, the tags used for the post are some of the ones I suggest to change in the Catalyst Project Style Guide. Should I wait for this to be reviewed by you or do you prefer to publish the post with the tags as they are and change it later?

jnywong commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the tag suggestions in the Style Guide, that's really helpful! I'll get the draft updated now.