czig / Lab7

A/D Conversion "Robot Sensing"
0 stars 1 forks source link

Grading #1

Open czig opened 10 years ago

czig commented 10 years ago

Prelab....................... 8.5 Required Functionality....... 40 B-Functionality.............. 10 A-Functionality.............. 10

toddbranch commented 10 years ago

Git - Check Plus - 10 - good, descriptive commit messages Code - Check - 8.5 - Code looks great, BUT YOU HAVE TOO MANY COMMENTS! STOP COMMENTING EVERY LINE - IT IS BAD STYLE! Less comments this is easily check plus quality code. Readme - Check - 8.5 - there's too much documentation here - it's distracting! Block text is tough to read. Some example code would go a long way instead of all the text.

Total - 95.5