czinn / cloudy-sword

Turn-based arena battle game, written in JavaScript + Node.js.
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UI Improvements #4

Closed czinn closed 10 years ago

czinn commented 10 years ago

Suggest other UI improvements here!

ghost commented 10 years ago

usernames: add another messages box, but listing usernames and ips. Or just usernames.

Add a text box that submits (Note, I have no idea how node actually works, so my solution may be just as hard)

Upon submission, emit the new data

czinn commented 10 years ago

From what I can tell, the best way to get text input on the canvas is to just make a normal text input and use CSS to position it over top of the canvas.

Once that's implemented, it can be used for chat and for commands like /name to change name.

ghost commented 10 years ago


Accidently closed

ghost commented 10 years ago

I think we've finished this now

(L to leave game. Enter to chat)