cztomczak / cefpython

Python bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
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OnBeforeDownload and OnDownloadUpdated to be exposed to CEF Python #628

Open karolyjozsa opened 2 years ago

karolyjozsa commented 2 years ago

The API docs say: "OnBeforeDownload and OnDownloadUpdated may be exposed to CEF Python in the future". Without this, avoiding the "Save As" dialogue is not easy, if possible at all. In the discussion, Czarek proposed us using the OnBeforeResourceLoad and OnBeforeBrowse callbacks of the RequestHandler, but this is a possible work-around only. I thought I would raise this issue, so that its necessity is emphasised, and probably the implementation of exposing the DownloadHandler callbacks to Python is not a big job compared to its big benefit.