cztomczak / cefpython

Python bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
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CEF66.0 User-defined request exception #660

Open wangdongdong520 opened 11 months ago

wangdongdong520 commented 11 months ago

Hello, because I handle iframe cross-domain reasons, I implemented a python request custom request on the CEF project including ClientHandler, ResourceHandler, WebRequestClient classes. However, there is a problem, the SIZE of the browser response is 0 and the response display is incomplete, as shown in the figure: image


I already cleared ResourceHandler. ReadResponse points received by 2 times to 37216 characters. Print out to view is complete. So, any idea what to look for?

wangdongdong520 commented 11 months ago

I just solved the problem of incomplete presentation of the response because of the accepted data type. I don't know why WebRequestClient OnDownloadData() I received data is a character type. Now, one small problem is that size is still 0