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ESP8266 - SDFS - compile error - Simple.ino #19

Closed pagabee closed 2 years ago

pagabee commented 2 years ago


there is a problem regarding the ESP8266 with SDFS. I tried to compile the Simple.ino file without success. Am I using the right version of the libraries/boards?







ifndef STASSID

define STASSID "ssid"

define STAPSK "psk"


//FS& gfs = SPIFFS;_ //FS& gfs = LittleFS; FS& gfs = SDFS;

SdFat esp8266 ESPWebDAV

Compiler error message: error.txt

d-a-v commented 2 years ago

Bill Greiman's excellent SdFat has been adapted by Earle and is already included in esp8266 Arduino core.

Did you try without SdFat installed by Arduino library manager ?

The Simple.ino example with these changes compiles fine here:

diff --git a/examples/Simple/Simple.ino b/examples/Simple/Simple.ino
index 0fd0e99..707b6d6 100644
--- a/examples/Simple/Simple.ino
+++ b/examples/Simple/Simple.ino
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@

 #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
 #include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
-#include <LittleFS.h>
+#include <SDFS.h>
 #include <ESPWebDAV.h>

 #define HOSTNAME    "ESPWebDAV"
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@

 //FS& gfs = SPIFFS;
-FS& gfs = LittleFS;
-//FS& gfs = SDFS;
+//FS& gfs = LittleFS;
+FS& gfs = SDFS;

 //WiFiServerSecure tcp(443);
 WiFiServer tcp(80);
pagabee commented 2 years ago

The problem was caused by the SdFat library. I had to delete it.

The SdFat is used by default:

Multiple libraries were found for "SdFat.h"

Used: C:\Users\pagabee\Documents\Arduino\libraries\SdFat

Not used: C:\Users\pagabee\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.0.2\libraries\ESP8266SdFat

exit status 1

Thanks for your help!