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Update @rollup/plugin-commonjs to the latest version πŸš€ #109

Open greenkeeper[bot] opened 4 years ago

greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

🚨 Reminder! Less than one month left to migrate your repositories over to Snyk before Greenkeeper says goodbye on June 3rd! πŸ’œ πŸššπŸ’¨ πŸ’š

Find out how to migrate to Snyk at greenkeeper.io

The devDependency @rollup/plugin-commonjs was updated from 11.1.0 to 12.0.0.

This version is not covered by your current version range.

If you don’t accept this pull request, your project will work just like it did before. However, you might be missing out on a bunch of new features, fixes and/or performance improvements from the dependency update.

Publisher: shellscape License: MIT

Find out more about this release.

FAQ and help There is a collection of [frequently asked questions](https://greenkeeper.io/faq.html). If those don’t help, you can always [ask the humans behind Greenkeeper](https://github.com/greenkeeperio/greenkeeper/issues/new).

Your Greenkeeper bot :palm_tree:

coveralls commented 4 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 96.313% when pulling 10d8591fc673cc8c4f8a0ac21f5282bb76c4114f on greenkeeper/@rollup/plugin-commonjs-12.0.0 into e1225f0732ee3baca3535947490fe8912c6f64e5 on master.