d-cook / SomethingNew

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Fizzygum: a new Squeak-inspired live web environment #22

Open davidedc opened 6 years ago

davidedc commented 6 years ago

sharing the link to a new Squeak-inspired web environment that I made: http://fizzygum.org/

In particular, given your interests, see: http://fizzygum.org/docs/fizzygum-for-lispers-and-smalltalkers/

Also, in theory it should be able to work with Amber, although no-one tried yet, see http://fizzygum.org/docs/support-for-other-languages/

yozlet commented 6 years ago

Wow, this is wonderful. And you've been working on it for the last five years? So many features!

Then I found LiveCodeLab through your GitHub and am playing with that too. It's lovely!

davidedc commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I'd say it was 6 years of "elapsed" time, but around 1.5 years full-time.

There is a plan to move LiveCodeLab inside of Fizzygum. In fact I have a prototype already but it's not quite ready.

Money is short so it might need to wait another year or two but hey who's counting :-)

d-cook commented 6 years ago

FizzyGum definitely looks like a great tool to explore and understand in our quest to redesign software as a more human-accessible thinking tool. Maybe we can talk more about this some time.

Thanks for sharing this!

LiveCodeLab looks fantastic. But though it is definitely a major improvement in some ways over other tools, it is also worth noting the short-comings of this kind of "live coding"

(Friendly reminder: We are going to fearlessly criticize how any software, tool, or paradigm falls short of a greater possibility, so that we reach higher)

davidedc commented 6 years ago

oh no problem, I keep a list long like an arm of stuff that I want to add/improve on both system. No shortage of possible improvements!

gisborne commented 6 years ago

Bret Victor was addressing the shortcomings of a live coding environment for learning specifically. He has otherwise espoused them eg LightTable