d-demirci / django-adminlte3

AdminLTE Templates, Template Tags, and Admin Theme for Django
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FYI: django-adminlte3 module module still not tracking with actual AdminLTE project #13

Open fseesink opened 4 years ago

fseesink commented 4 years ago

This Python module looks quite interesting. I was just wondering how it handles updates created by the actual AdminLTE (https://adminlte.io/) project itself?

That is, this module's last release was v0.1.2 on 11 Dec 2019 (https://pypi.org/project/django-adminlte-3/#history). But AdminLTE has had 3 releases since then, the latest being v3.0.4 just 8 days ago (https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE/releases).

I was wondering how this tracks. The django-adminlte3 files on GitHub are all 5+ months old. Obviously the version of AdminLTE v3 included in this module is at best v3.0.1 (released 20 Nov 2019). But does this module provide a mechanism to self-update? And if not, is there a way to update the version of AdminLTE v3 so that this module can still be used?

Or is the general idea that whenever a new version of AdminLTE v3 comes out, a corresponding update should occur to this module so that a simple pip command patches things up? Just trying to sort out whether it's best to use this module or simply use the direct AdminLTE code.

d-demirci commented 4 years ago

with 62eedb2fa3dc5225d674078fdee9c63646d21144 updated to adminlte3.0.4, the pypi version for this commit is 0.1.5, and yes when AdminLTE project is updated this project is trying to keep track with base template. without the need of extra npm or bower installation.

fseesink commented 4 years ago

Awesome! Thanks.

And thanks so much for creating this! It is very much appreciated. We're currently using AdminLTE3 directly in a Django project, but this will make things so much easier to build/deploy/manage.

fseesink commented 4 years ago

Re-opening this issue to just ask for clarification on what exactly is meant by "and yes when AdminLTE project is updated this project is trying to keep track with base template."

The reason is that again I notice that this module isn't tracking with the latest AdminLTE. Their last release was 24 days ago (19 May) with v3.0.5. By comparison, django-adminlte3 hasn't changed since the day of the last update to this issue (15 April 2020), when both v0.1.5 and v0.1.6 were released, at least according to PyPi

Mind you, I'm not trying to give grief. I'm simply trying to understand how this module will be maintained relative to the AdminLTE releases. For example, what is the expected lag time between an AdminLTE release (which may address some given issue) and this module being updated with that release? Currently it's tracking just one AdminLTE update and just over a month behind. Last time it was 3 updates and ~4 months behind. (Just not sure if the last update was already in process, or whether opening this issue brought about the update. That is, if it's simply a matter of knowing when there's an AdminLTE update, I could potentially let you know if you tell me the best way to do so. Just hate to seem like a nag by posting issues, etc.)

Anyway, thanks again for this. To show how much I appreciate you doing this, note I spent some time and created a repo with a basic tutorial on using your module here: https://github.com/fseesink/django-adminlte3-tutorial

(So just know your work is very much appreciated. I'll try to circle back to that tutorial and add more in time, but figured if writing that up saved even one person a little time in getting up to speed, it was worth it. And as I wrote there, I honestly did it for future self, as I'm want to forget as I pivot between different things. :-) )