"in flac, tag YEAR gets added two times, so you get 2021 and 2021-03-12 (thats what i see in mp3tag program)
for mp3 is ok, only one YEAR tag" - not irrelevant anymore, its and mp3tag issue
some albums that have songs from different albums are getting into different maps
albums remixes, all files (for mp3 and flac) get same file names, tags too (mp3 and flac), this one for example https://www.deezer.com/us/album/212694892
"in flac, tag YEAR gets added two times, so you get 2021 and 2021-03-12 (thats what i see in mp3tag program) for mp3 is ok, only one YEAR tag" - not irrelevant anymore, its and mp3tag issue
some albums that have songs from different albums are getting into different maps
example https://www.deezer.com/us/album/99691942