FutureOr<ByteBuffer?> toPDF(
final List<int> bytes, {
final String? title,
final bool isLandscape = true,
final List<String>? columns,
final Map<int, double>? columnWidths,
final ByteData? fontData,
final Map<int, ByteData>? titleFonts,
final Map<int, ByteData>? dataFonts,
}) async {
Then I did the following:
dart run build_runner clean
dart run build_runner build
The build_runner step completes successfully but I get an error on compilation (when launching the app)
lib/dependencies/export/export_service.worker.g.dart(113,71): error GC2F972A8: The argument type 'ByteBuffer Function(dynamic)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'ByteData Function(dynamic)?'
Generated Code:
part of 'export_service.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// Generator: WorkerGenerator 6.0.7
// **************************************************************************
/// WorkerService class for ExportService
class _$ExportServiceWorkerService extends ExportService
implements WorkerService {
_$ExportServiceWorkerService() : super();
late final Map<int, CommandHandler> operations =
Map.unmodifiable(<int, CommandHandler>{
_$toCSVId: ($) => toCSV(_$X.$1($.args[0])),
_$toExcelId: ($) => toExcel(_$X.$1($.args[0])),
_$toPDFId: ($) => toPDF(_$X.$1($.args[0]),
title: _$X.$3($.args[1]),
isLandscape: _$X.$4($.args[2]),
columns: _$X.$6($.args[3]),
columnWidths: _$X.$9($.args[4]),
fontData: _$X.$11($.args[5]),
titleFonts: _$X.$13($.args[6]),
dataFonts: _$X.$13($.args[7])),
static const int _$toCSVId = 1;
static const int _$toExcelId = 2;
static const int _$toPDFId = 3;
/// Service initializer for ExportService
WorkerService $ExportServiceInitializer(WorkerRequest $$) =>
/// Worker for ExportService
base class ExportServiceWorker extends Worker implements ExportService {
{PlatformThreadHook? threadHook, ExceptionManager? exceptionManager})
: super($ExportServiceActivator(Squadron.platformType));
{PlatformThreadHook? threadHook, ExceptionManager? exceptionManager})
: super($ExportServiceActivator(SquadronPlatformType.vm));
{PlatformThreadHook? threadHook, ExceptionManager? exceptionManager})
: super($ExportServiceActivator(SquadronPlatformType.js),
threadHook: threadHook, exceptionManager: exceptionManager);
{PlatformThreadHook? threadHook, ExceptionManager? exceptionManager})
: super($ExportServiceActivator(SquadronPlatformType.wasm));
Future<ByteBuffer?> toCSV(List<int> bytes) =>
send(_$ExportServiceWorkerService._$toCSVId, args: [_$X.$14(bytes)])
Future<ByteBuffer?> toExcel(List<int> bytes) =>
send(_$ExportServiceWorkerService._$toExcelId, args: [_$X.$14(bytes)])
Future<ByteBuffer?> toPDF(List<int> bytes,
{String? title,
bool isLandscape = true,
List<String>? columns,
Map<int, double>? columnWidths,
ByteData? fontData,
Map<int, ByteData>? titleFonts,
Map<int, ByteData>? dataFonts}) =>
send(_$ExportServiceWorkerService._$toPDFId, args: [
sealed class _$X {
static final $0 = Squadron.converter.value<int>();
static final $1 = Squadron.converter.list<int>(_$X.$0);
static final $2 = Squadron.converter.value<String>();
static final $3 = Squadron.converter.nullable($2);
static final $4 = Squadron.converter.value<bool>();
static final $5 = Squadron.converter.list<String>(_$X.$2);
static final $6 = Squadron.converter.nullable($5);
static final $7 = Squadron.converter.value<double>();
static final $8 =
Squadron.converter.map<int, double>(kcast: _$X.$0, vcast: _$X.$7);
static final $9 = Squadron.converter.nullable($8);
static final $10 = Squadron.converter.typedData<ByteData>();
static final $11 = Squadron.converter.nullable($10);
static final $12 =
Squadron.converter.map<int, ByteData>(kcast: _$X.$0, vcast: _$X.$10);
static final $13 = Squadron.converter.nullable($12);
static final $14 = Squadron.converter.list();
static final $15 = Squadron.converter.value<ByteBuffer>();
static final $16 = Squadron.converter.nullable($15);
static final $17 = Squadron.converter.nullable($14);
static final $18 = Squadron.converter.map<int, double>();
static final $19 = Squadron.converter.nullable($18);
static final $20 = (($) => ($ as ByteData).buffer);
static final $21 = Squadron.converter.nullable($20);
static final $22 = Squadron.converter.map<int, ByteData>(vcast: _$X.$20);
static final $23 = Squadron.converter.nullable($22);
Then I did the following:
dart run build_runner clean
dart run build_runner build
The build_runner step completes successfully but I get an error on compilation (when launching the app)
lib/dependencies/export/export_service.worker.g.dart(113,71): error GC2F972A8: The argument type 'ByteBuffer Function(dynamic)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'ByteData Function(dynamic)?'
Generated Code:
Versions: squadron: ^6.0.4 squadron_builder: ^6.0.8