*****************USER STORIES OF CITY REPORT 1**************
As an organisation, we want to be able to list all the cities in the world in descending order, so that we can make a report on city population.
As an organisation, we want to be able to list all the cities in a continent in descending order, so that we can make a report on city population.
As an organisation, we want to be able to list all the cities in a specified region in descending order, so that we can make a report on city population.
As an organisation, we want to be able to list all the cities in a country in descending order, so that we can make a report on city population.
As an organisation, we want to be able to list all the cities in a district in descending order, so that we can make a report on city population.
A city report requires the following columns:
Name Country District Population
....... to N number