d03n3rfr1tz3 / TS3-Bot

Bot with some additional features for a TeamSpeak 3 Server
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Bot sticking people to random channels #4

Closed ArcAIN6 closed 10 years ago

ArcAIN6 commented 10 years ago

It would appear that the bot likes to stick people to channels they move to..

example: user moves from lobby to channel2, then to channel 3, then to channel 1, bot will sticky them to channel one.. doesn't seem to matter how long in between moves.

Using !unstick username doesn't appear to fix the issue.

d03n3rfr1tz3 commented 10 years ago

First: I don't like support cases wrapped into an GitHub issue with near to no information. Please be more detailed here.

Please look what features are activated and how they are configured. Deactivate them step by step until the problem is fixed. Especially check your configuration for Away, Idle and Stick. With this information I have a chance to solve this problem. Maybe the Bot does exactly what it's configured for. You can also activate the Logging features, so that you get messages why the Bot moves someone somewhere. This could also identify the possibly bugged feature.

ArcAIN6 commented 10 years ago

first, i DID check the settings. They should not be producing this behavior. Second, this is an ISSUE not a SUPPORT REQUEST. Third. i provided the information on what the bot is doing, and how to reproduce it. Forth. due to rude response above, i'll be moving on. I have little to no time to waste on developers who are rude to people that are trying to help them improve their project by pointing out buggy behavior.

d03n3rfr1tz3 commented 10 years ago

Sorry if it sounded rude, but besides the example there is no Information. How is your configuration, which channels are used for each feature and were exactly did the bot stick someone? That are some basic Information missing here. If this doesn't help, I need detailed Information with the above stated logging feature and exact channel numbers. Without that I can't reproduce anything. It's not that I don't want your help.. The problem is a simple "doesn't work" isn't useful. I personally run this bot on multiple big servers with different Configurations and can't reproduce such a behavior. Maybe it's simple to solve, if it's a bug. But because I get multiple support cases from people, where I just ask myself, who they were able to even start there own PC, not to mention that this is a program for server admins, I don't have much patients to ask everybody to give me some Details, when it's even stated in the Manual.

But whatever. It's a free program on GitHub. Use it or not. Ask questions or not. Report issues or not. It makes no difference in my life.