d1m007 / gshoppingflux

PrestaShop Google Shopping Flux Module
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Price round problem #100

Open TurolGames opened 2 years ago

TurolGames commented 2 years ago

Hi! I've a Prestashop and we have problems with the prices of products on sale.

For example:

Could you help me please?


d1m007 commented 2 years ago

Hi, That is certainly due to the round function. Do you indicate prices in euro when registering your products? Or any other money? What is the right price in your example ?

TurolGames commented 2 years ago


All of our prices are in €.

The correct price, for example, is this: https://www.turolgames.com/en/cards/69973-lama-rock-roll

13,48€ in the online store.

Into the feed, the price is 13,49€ and Merchant Center reject these products.

d1m007 commented 2 years ago

Ok, I tried to add product in cart on your page :

It seems that your problem doesn't comes from the gshopping-flux module, but from Prestashop itself (?) : difference between prices on product page and prices elsewhere. The price exported in the Google Merchant Center is right, it's the same than the one I got in cart. I suggest you change the reduct percentage to correctly fit your needs (get the same price on all pages), or ask for some solution about this issue in the Prestashop forum. I think price on product page is not the right one, it's possible to correct the round function to get the same price everywhere (if I remember well I already got the same issue a few years before on a previous prestashop version).

Feel free to tell us how you got rid of the problem, if ever you did. [EDIT] btw, your products are pretty cool.

d1m007 commented 2 years ago

Problem has already happened and has been solved here (on previous version - page in french): https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/336785-probl%C3%A8me-de-diff%C3%A9rence-de-prix-entre-la-fiche-produit-et-le-panier/

what is your Prestashop version ?