d1m007 / gshoppingflux

PrestaShop Google Shopping Flux Module
100 stars 61 forks source link

Add reviewes #83

Closed JuanmaSMS closed 5 years ago

JuanmaSMS commented 5 years ago


It would be very interesting to add the reviews to the feed.

Thank you.

Casper-O commented 5 years ago


Last i checked documentations for Google Shopping Feed, it did not contain a review attribute.

As far i know you Can send in a separate feed with reviews, something im not going to do in this module

JuanmaSMS commented 5 years ago


Look at this website.


It seems that Google has already enabled it

Thank you.

JuanmaSMS commented 5 years ago

Sorry I think I was wrong in the concept I wanted to say Product Ratings instead of review

Thank you.

Casper-O commented 5 years ago

Hi again.

The link you provided talkes about a ”product review feed”. It is an whole other feed, than the one this module provide.

What your Looking for: https://developers.google.com/product-review-feeds/

The google shopping feed, do not offer these details as you can see in the Specification for Google Shopping feed


Since it would require a separate feed I’m not going to add it to this module.