d3 / d3-color

Color spaces! RGB, HSL, Cubehelix, CIELAB, and more.
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Doesn't work in IE11- #15

Closed Calvein closed 9 years ago

Calvein commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure if it's an actual issue because I don't know the browser support for this but Map isn't supported in IE10- and in IE11, Map.prototype.set does't return this.

mbostock commented 9 years ago

The lack of universal support for Map is why this module is built with --polyfill-map. And d3/d3-bundler@ebe9915c36b5bd08bb23a6971cdcd6471218e715 added a fix for map.set not returning this. So, assuming you are running the latest release, you should either be getting the complete Map polyfill in IE10- or the patched map.set in IE11. Could you verify that you are using the latest release, and help me debug how the code isn’t working on IE?

Related #16.