d3 / d3-color

Color spaces! RGB, HSL, Cubehelix, CIELAB, and more.
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Add links to source #29

Closed Devinsuit closed 7 years ago

Devinsuit commented 7 years ago


mbostock commented 7 years ago

Some missing links here. Let me know when I should look again.

Devinsuit commented 7 years ago

What sources should i add to broken links? I have no idea.

mbostock commented 7 years ago

Well, for color.opacity I’d probably remove the source link, since it’s a field rather than a method and thus by definition has no implementation. (You could I suppose link to the assignment of rbg.opacity, but that doesn’t make sense for colors generally.)

For d3.rgb I’d like to color.js:209.

For d3.hsl, color.js:281.

For d3.lab, lab.js:30. I don’t think you want separate source links for each overloaded variant since they necessarily all point to the same place.

For d3.hcl, lab.js:87.

Devinsuit commented 7 years ago
