d3 / d3-geo

Geographic projections, spherical shapes and spherical trigonometry.
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d3.geoPath as textPath: flip text #172

Open janwillemtulp opened 5 years ago

janwillemtulp commented 5 years ago


I am currently linking to a d3.geoPath from my textPath element (using xlink:href("#my-geo-path"), which works perfectly fine. However, I am animating the d3.geoPath, and in some situations I end up with the text up side down, and I want to flip the text in these situations so that it is easier to read. The side attribute for a textPath only works in FireFox as it seems. So, would there be another way to flip text in these situations?


Fil commented 5 years ago

Hello, can you maybe share a minimal live example (a block or an observable notebook) reproducing the issue?

mbostock commented 5 years ago

If you can’t do this with SVG attributes then I think you might need to reverse the path.