d3 / d3-zoom

Pan and zoom SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input.
ISC License
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Predefined events override manual transformations #248

Open l0drex opened 2 years ago

l0drex commented 2 years ago

I have the following code:

let canvas = d3.select("#canvas")
let canvasTransform = d3.zoom()

canvas.call(canvasTransform.on("zoom", event => canvas.attr("transform", event.transform)

function scale(delta) {
    canvasTransform.scaleBy(canvas, delta, [focus.x, focus.y]

function move(dx, dy) {
    canvasTransform.translateBy(outer, dx, dy)

This works, but there is one problem: when I call one of the above functions and then use the mouse to zoom or translate, the manual transformation applied by the functions above are ignored. To me, it seems like they use completely different transformation states.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug in d3-zoom?