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geom.voronoi sometimes throws an error #1578

Closed sebpiq closed 11 years ago

sebpiq commented 11 years ago

I am using voronoi to make simple radnomized drawings. It works great most of the time, but once in a while throws an error 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of null'. Is it a know error? Is there some points for which there is no Voronoi tesselation that can be calculated?

For example, this happened with the following data set :

var data = [[162.625,97.42857142857143],[540.6751658469439,97.42857142857143],[512.852513932271,140.7176197088363],[527.1340686082946,193.83092702632547],[477.96982619017825,238.62234566803937],[451.4444556682072,281.63698097906445],[483.1044046913885,292.7353428956168],[408.25114800483453,361.11349522897973],[368.4552492817462,386.43779412571894],[367.73991981069696,408.4655505584161],[327.23397423325974,440.91126844861094],[271.9441040381313,447.2783369755093],[231.3183408178836,464.8987604363098],[183.64125952641743,490.6342071874143],[139.01744689338847,425.60629082860515],[91.52476039970534,440.8609536265624],[50.7819582027996,466.7517342167433],[11.183244819866417,409.5782014996885],[-12.022138010542562,426.2499782865578],[-52.11768265327041,404.35232813819675],[-87.91180657628351,365.92763451746805],[-115.31234555488544,323.9298076521682],[-137.77305520454655,274.51946250365353],[-208.63232162457786,239.8917783235541],[-164.05196897480602,185.08788433033993],[-225.86198629074596,142.5763909605722],[-164.51515098288655,97.42857142857147],[-168.93241508152545,48.8112871990978],[-220.62094168742402,4.249358577293663],[-156.03958646319967,-28.976123962541905],[-155.59804866991823,-87.49511552151564],[-117.46219598471191,-137.50936864144467],[-114.42256168476172,-124.80797733093577],[-62.40654690401547,-173.24432815621287],[-34.92109288645628,-231.77547272408145],[13.243281327294596,-253.71290365408754],[50.108112775233224,-280.520402320271],[94.67169382248188,-289.4662314229714],[140.75187833759216,-295.76903521730037],[186.7138723643959,-252.77374498107582],[231.72212738926686,-267.7762086250434],[266.80663424058025,-219.8715369001228],[308.80693489306793,-232.91974386965757],[348.426624775039,-199.88281899388494],[373.6656986850646,-210.53607230240647],[436.75498495400694,-148.29678300908915],[442.8566733626943,-122.9898329610533],[488.7596396659666,-65.55986283677596],[527.8148963912654,-36.90405535711672],[482.29962464758825,9.630899371618412]]
jasondavies commented 11 years ago

Seems like there might be a bug in d3_geom_voronoiCloseCells.

voronoipotato commented 11 years ago

What's with all the precision? Does it work when you remove some of the digits after the decimal?

sebpiq commented 11 years ago

Didn't try. That's just the output of my algorithm which gives me random-ish points. Would that make a difference?

voronoipotato commented 11 years ago

end = halfEdges[iHalfEdge].end(), x3 = end.x, y3 = end.y; start = halfEdges[++iHalfEdge % nHalfEdges].start(), x2 = start.x, y2 = start.y; I've honestly never seen syntax like this. Why is there a comma instead of a semicolon? If the end = ...end() returns a null does it still try to fill x3 and y3?

sebpiq commented 11 years ago

This thing with the coma is just multiple assignment, nothing special.

mbostock commented 11 years ago

I believe the problem here is that the clipExtent in use does not contain all of the input points. Probably you’re using a standard clipExtent of [[0, 0], [960, 500]] or similar, but you have points with negative x and y coordinates. The clipping logic currently assumes that all of the points are contained within the clip extent.

A simple fix to this would be to ignore any points outside the clip extent on input, but that wouldn’t produce the same output since a site outside the clip extent can still affect the cells within the clip extent. I think probably the d3_geom_voronoiCloseCells would need to be changed to handle this case.

sebpiq commented 11 years ago

Indeed, I don't even know about the 'clipExtent' :)

On the other hand, this works in ~ 98% of my randomized points, and it works even if I place some points completely outside the range [[0, 0], [960, 500]] for example [-10000, 10000].

jasondavies commented 11 years ago

I’m seeing the error even with the default clipExtent of [[-1e6, -1e6], [1e6, 1e6]].

mbostock commented 11 years ago

Hmm. I tested it with [[-width, -height], [width, height]], but yeah. I wonder if the bug more generally is negative coordinates. I did catch a bug related to that when I was porting the code, so it's possible another bug remains.

mbostock commented 11 years ago

Here’s a test case for one variant of the bug:

screen shot 2013-10-11 at 11 16 03 am

I think the problem here is that the voronoi cell is completely outside the clip extent.

mbostock commented 11 years ago

That bug is actually unrelated to this bug, but good to fix anyway. Here’s a reduction of the original test case. The correct output should look like this:

screen shot 2013-10-11 at 11 54 11 am

Instead it crashes (as reported). It seems like what’s happening here is that the four cells are meeting almost exactly at a point. If you change any of the points slightly, it computes the tessellation correctly.

mbostock commented 11 years ago

All fixed!

screen shot 2013-10-11 at 9 13 40 pm

jasondavies commented 11 years ago

Nice work!

sebpiq commented 11 years ago

Nice!!! That was quick :) Thanks!

mbostock commented 11 years ago

Thanks, but it was @gorhill who figured it out! Also, Jason, he mentioned catastrophic cancellation which you might find interesting. :)

Marsup commented 10 years ago

I get the same error as this one, the problem seems to come from the same method @jasondavies mentioned as well. I'm using d3 3.4.1. I don't really know where to look from here so I dumped the whole data in a gist in the hope someone would spot what I don't.

mbostock commented 10 years ago

The most likely explanation is that you have coincident points in your input data. Did you check?

Marsup commented 10 years ago

The input data is unique, but the rounding introduced in 6fd4625 changes this, 4023 -> 621 unique values.

mbostock commented 10 years ago

Well, then by our definition you have coincident points, so you’ll need to resolve those before computing the Voronoi.

Marsup commented 10 years ago

So you're saying I should pre-round it at 1e-6 and make it unique from there ? If the points are too close to each other I don't really see how I could achieve that, other than removing the (almost) duplicates from the dataset, any suggestion ?

gorhill commented 10 years ago

@mbostock > most likely explanation is that you have coincident points

Isn't d3_geom_voronoi supposed to work fine with duplicate points?

if (site.x !== x0 || site.y !== y0)

Ref.: d3/src/geom/voronoi/index.j @ line 32

gorhill commented 10 years ago

Note that I had to fix yet another loss of precision problem occurring in the Liang-Barsky algorithm, could it be the same problem here?

My fix was to prune more while attempting to connect dangling lines in connectEdge: https://github.com/gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi/commit/41a3cae6178385836187fdacd760b6abc96cc6d9

Anyway maybe this has nothing to do, just FYI in case.

mbostock commented 10 years ago

d3.geom.voronoi does handle with coincident points (in that it doesn’t throw an error); however it returns a null cell for each point that is a duplicate of an earlier point, so code that doesn’t explicitly check for null cells is likely to throw a TypeError.

And yes, you’d need to either remove the points that are coincident after rounding (say using d3.nest as in the Multi-Line Voronoi example — although this example doesn’t round), or represent coincident points as a cluster.

Marsup commented 10 years ago

Well I've tried, the gist is updated with another file containing only the 621 non-duplicated x values, I've confirmed the uniqueness before and after the sites call, and I still get a Cannot read property 'x' of null.

mbostock commented 10 years ago

Seems to work fine if you round a little bit more.

screen shot 2014-01-15 at 4 21 42 pm

Do you really need to create Voronoi cells for points that are as little as 1e-6 distance apart? Or would something like 1 or 2 pixels apart be sufficient?

Marsup commented 10 years ago

The data is used to shape line charts paths, the Voronoi being the invisible part that helps find the nearest point from the mouse. In this context, 1px might be enough as long as I do not miss anything visible on the screen. Should I round it to integer pixels and take only the 1st of duplicates or would I miss visible points this way ?

mbostock commented 10 years ago

Yes, that sounds like a reasonable approach.

Marsup commented 10 years ago

In my attempts to reduce the number of points, I noticed that voronoi sometimes brings back an array with gaps, some indexes just don't exist, is this normal ?

Marsup commented 10 years ago

@mbostock Any idea ?

mbostock commented 10 years ago

The only known cause of the array containing null elements is coincident input points.

Marsup commented 10 years ago

Oh, I expected an actual null value, not a missing index, thanks for the explanation :)

mbostock commented 10 years ago

Yep; when skipping coincident points, the implementation simply doesn’t assign anything to that index in the returned array.