d33tah / call-for-wpa3

Call for WPA3 - what's wrong with WPA2 security and how to fix it
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Preventing password bruteforcing #6

Open mbevand opened 7 years ago

mbevand commented 7 years ago

State-of-the-art password authentication uses PAKE, which completely prevents bruteforcing passwords: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Password-authenticated_key_agreement See also https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14842145

The suggestions to use scrypt or PBKDF2 (under The password can be cracked offline) are obsoleted by PAKE.

bayotop commented 6 years ago

Also WPA2 is already using PBKDF2 with 4096 iterations. As a minimum that sentence should be better worded.

mbevand commented 6 years ago

It seems a PAKE protocol is finally going to be adopted by WPA3!

Previously [in WPA2], before a handshake could happen on a network, an attacker could do their guessing offline

Source: https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/wi-fi-alliance-launches-wpa2-enhancements-and-debuts-wpa3/d/d-id/1330762