d365collaborative / d365fo.tools

Tools used for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
MIT License
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Disk provider binary-only module reference fix #815

Closed rsteber closed 3 months ago

rsteber commented 3 months ago

If a module that is read by the disk metadata provider references a binary-only module, the "ListModulesInDependencyOrder()" method causes an exception error that is catched by the Get-D365Module function in line 172. As a result, the order of the modules cannot be determined taking the dependencies into account and "ListModules" is used instead. The problem can be easily avoided by adding the model manifest of the runtime metadata provider to the "CreateDiskProvider" method in line 165.

This ensures that the disk provider has all the information it needs to determine the sequence for all modules based on the dependencies.

FH-Inway commented 3 months ago

Nice find! Thanks for the pr as well.

@TrudAX : You might be interested in this 😄

@Splaxi : Can you do a release? We have several unreleased changes: https://github.com/d365collaborative/d365fo.tools/compare/master...development

TrudAX commented 3 months ago

@FH-Inway - thanks. I can test it when you release it. Currently, I can't use this parameter ListModulesInDependencyOrder for a new VM, created a workaround just manually specifying a compile section