d365collaborative / d365fo.tools

Tools used for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
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Retrieve metadata for on-prem environments #831

Open elcuevero opened 1 month ago

elcuevero commented 1 month ago

Great tool, I have been able to retrieve metadata for cloud hosted environments, but had no such luck when trying to retrieve metadata that is available for on-prem environments that are LCS connected. Is this supported at all?

FH-Inway commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for the interesting request. I assume you are refering to Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata. That one uses the LCS API to fetch environment metadata in the background. I do not think that API supports on premise environments, but I do not know of any official source that states that.

Maybe you can figure something out by looking at the responses from the API request directly. If you find a way to call the API for an on premise environment, we could add that to d365fo.tools. Unfortunately, I cannot help much here, since I do not have access to an on premise environment.

Simon-Syd commented 2 weeks ago

hello, I can add you to my on-prem lab LCS project if you want @FH-Inway ? but it seems that the API did not return any information when we request onprem env :/

FH-Inway commented 2 weeks ago

Hi. Sure, you can add me to your project. Can you use one of the contact details in my profile to get in touch with me so we can exchange emails?