d3b-center / OpenPedCan-analysis

The analysis repository for the Open Pediatric Cancer Project
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Add CNVkit theta2 seg file to OPC v16 #604

Open jharenza opened 1 month ago

jharenza commented 1 month ago

Which new datasets are being added with this release?

What is the sample breakdown (number of WGS, WXS, RNA-Seq, Panel, Methylation, other)?

What module(s) generated any new files to include in the release? Has that module been added to the analysis/README.md, and to CI?

Are you aware of any modules impacted by the file(s) change(s)? Describe if the file name is changed.

What data file(s) are added/updated/removed in this release?

[Pre-release files]

[Commit files]

[Bed files and sample mapping]

[File descriptions and notes]

Any additional notes to add for discussion?