d3b-center / d3b-cds-manifest-prep

scripts to prep manifests for cds
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Feature Request: CDS v1.x.x #132

Open chris-s-friedman opened 1 year ago

chris-s-friedman commented 1 year ago

CDS v1.x.x

This version of CDS will have data from a few sources:

Note: the below list will be updated periodically with links to the related manifests.

  1. CBTN X01 source and Harmonized data a. source data file-sample-participant mapping: https://data-tracker.kidsfirstdrc.org/study/SD_BHJXBDQK/documents/SF_Z4B1Q5XE b. harmonized data post-harmonization manifest: https://data-tracker.kidsfirstdrc.org/study/SD_BHJXBDQK/documents/SF_R8XTMZAN
  2. CBTN Pre-X01 DNA and RNA files that went through new gencode
  3. CBTN Pre-X01 data that was not included in v0.14.1 that can be identified as coming from a particular participant and sample
  4. PNOC008 samples collected and analyzed after the file-sample-participant manifest for v0.14.1 was closed.

To establish item 3: these participants/samples/files are ones that are released in either CAVATICA, OpenPedCan Histologies v12, or on PedCBioPortal but not in cds v0.14.1.
