d3b-center / hope-cohort-analysis

Analysis for HOPE cohort
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Update HGG subtyping #108

Open komalsrathi opened 2 weeks ago

komalsrathi commented 2 weeks ago

Created this branch off of update-nf1-score branch.

Comparison of base and annotated histologies file:

base_file <- read_tsv("data/Hope-GBM-histologies-base.tsv")
annotated_file <- read_tsv("analyses/molecular-subtyping-HGG/results/Hope-GBM-histologies.tsv")

# new samples
annotated_file %>%
  filter(sample_id %in% c("7316-3000", "7316-1106")) %>%
  dplyr::select(sample_id, Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID, experimental_strategy, cancer_group, cancer_group_short, molecular_subtype)

  sample_id Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID experimental_strategy cancer_group                  cancer_group_short molecular_subtype
  <chr>     <chr>                     <chr>                 <chr>                         <chr>              <chr>            
1 7316-1106 BS_96QPQX80               Methylation           Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma NA                 PXA              
2 7316-1106 BS_9XHV04WE               WGS                   NA                            NA                 NA               
3 7316-1106 BS_H1XPVS9A               RNA-Seq               Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma NA                 PXA              
4 7316-1106 BS_J4E9SW51               WGS                   Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma NA                 PXA              
5 7316-3000 BS_0TCRV9AC               WGS                   NA                            NA                 NA               
6 7316-3000 BS_ABZ3BK38               WGS                   High-grade glioma             HGG                HGG, H3 wildtype 
7 7316-3000 BS_JRYJGYC4               RNA-Seq               High-grade glioma             HGG                HGG, H3 wildtype 
8 7316-3000 BS_Z0KPQPN2               Methylation           NA                            NA                 NA                  

Wanted to ask what needs to be done for the PXAs?