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Proposed Analysis: AML subtyping #55

Closed kgaonkar6 closed 2 years ago

kgaonkar6 commented 3 years ago

What are the scientific goals of the analysis?

From email discussion with Dr. Sarah Tasian, we have the following information that we should use to subtype AML.

I have included our pediatric AML risk classification from our current COG phase 3 clinical trial (AAML1831) and how we are stratifying patients by underlying genetic alterations in case helpful. An earlier version of this clinical protocol table is included in a review paper attached if you need a reference. Please note that ‘RAM phenotype’ is a flow cytometry designation (CD56++ and dim for CD45/CD38/HLA-DR) and usually aligns with the CBFA2T3-GLIS2 fusion in AMKL. ‘Low risk’ AML: RUNX1-RUNXT1 from t(8;21), CBFB-MYH11 from inv(16), CEBPA point mutations, NPM1 point mutations ‘High risk’ AML: classically monosomy 7, monosomy 5/5q-, and FLT3-ITD, but now with many others Lesions that are not clearly prognostic fall into an intermediate category, and we use end-induction measurable residual disease (MRD) to refine risk stratification and allocate to transplant in first remission or not.




What methods do you plan to use to accomplish the scientific goals?

🚨 This is a draft @jharenza will update/add information We will use fusion calls to subtype the samples the subtypes for now

What input data are required for this analysis?


How long do you expect is needed to complete the analysis? Will it be a multi-step analysis?

2-3 days

Who will complete the analysis (please add a GitHub handle here if relevant)?


What relevant scientific literature relates to this analysis?

jharenza commented 3 years ago

Adding to this data dictionary prepared by Sam V and discussed with Sarah T to the ticket. I also sent an email to Sarah today asking if she would like us to use the below designations or the high/med/low risk designations as above. If using above, they won't match NCIT IDs, so we will have to figure out how to best do that part.

inv(16)(p13q22) NCIT:C36373
t(16;16)(p13.1;q22) NCIT:C27759
t(15;17)(q24;q21) NCIT:C27758
t(9;11)(p22;q23) / MLL-MLLT3(AF9) NCIT:C36370
t(10;11)(p12;q23) / MLL-MLLT10(AF10) NCIT:C132102
t(10;11)(p11.2;q23) NCIT:C168758
t(1;11)(q21;q23) / MLL-MLLT11(AF1Q) NCIT:C168759
t(4;11)(q21;q23) / MLL-MLLT2(AF4) NCIT:C36365
t(6;11)(q27;q23) / MLL-MLLT4(AF6) NCIT:C36610
t(6;9)(p23;q34) DEK/NUP214 NCIT:C36532
t(11;19)(q23;p13) / (MLL-ENL)/(MLL-ELL) NCIT:C168764
t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) / (MLL-ELL) NCIT:C36371
t(11;19)(q23;p13.3) / (MLL-ENL) NCIT:C36372
MLL Other Partner NCIT:C36517
t(11;17)(AF17) NCIT:C168760
t(8;16)MOZ/CBP NCIT:C167194
Monosomy 7 NCIT:C36411
Monosomy 5 NCIT:C36523
Trisomy 8 NCIT:C36396
der.12p NCIT:C173542
t(2;12) NCIT:C173543
t(5;11)(q35;p15) / NSD1/NUP98 NCIT:C131503
t(7;12)(q36;p13) / HLXB9(MNX1)/ETV6(TEL) NCIT:C122689
t(9;22)(q34;q11.2) / ABL/BCR NCIT:C13271
inv(3)(q21.3;q26.2) NCIT:C36407
t(3;3)(q21;q26.2) NCIT:C36406
t(3;12)(q23;p12.3) / ETV6/EVI1 NCIT:C168766
del(5q)(5q31-q32) NCIT:C168769
t(1;22)(RBM15-MKL1) NCIT:C36417
del(13q)(13q14-21) NCIT:C168770
del(17p) NCIT:C36499
MLL Rearrangement NCIT:C122623
Non-KMT2A MLLT10 NCIT:C168771
inv(16)(p13.3q24.3) / CBFA2T3-GLIS2 NCIT:C167195
t(11;15)(p15;q35) / NUP98/JARID1A NCITC131505
t(16;21)(q24;q22) / RUNX1-CBFA2T3 NCIT:C168773
t(3;5)(q25;q34) / NPM1/MLF1 NCIT:C36415
t(16;21)(p11;q22) / FUS/ERG NCIT:C36616
NPM1 Mutation NCIT:C82429
Monoallelic CEBPA Gene Mutation NCIT:C168774
Biallelic CEBPA Gene Mutation NCIT:C157569
CEBPA Gene Mutation NCIT:C38372
FLT3 Internal Tandem Duplication NCIT:C67494
FLT3 Tyrosine Kinase Domain Point Mutation NCIT:C67495
WT1 Mutation NCIT:C146726
CKIT Mutation - Ex17 NCIT:C116396
CKIT Mutation - Ex8 NCIT:C128660
CKIT Mutation - Unspecified NCIT:C39712
GATA1 Mutation NCIT:C82340
RUNX1 Mutation NCIT:C38362
PTPN11 Mutation NCIT:C82612
N-RAS Mutation NCIT:C41381
K-RAS Mutation NCIT:C41361
Other NCIT:C17649
Unknown NCIT:C17998
Not Reported NCIT:C43234
kgaonkar6 commented 3 years ago

Just wanted to verify the nomenclature, since I don't think we have use cytogenetic terms before for subtyping.

del(5q)(5q31-q32) http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/Anomalies/del5qID1092.html deletion anywhere in chr5 q or chr 5q31-32

inv(16)(p13q22) http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/Anomalies/inv16ID1036.html which I believe denotes a inversion chr16 in p13 and q22

t(9;22)(q34;q11.2) / ABL/BCR http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/Anomalies/t0922ALLID1024.html, denotes a translocation and chr 9 q34 and chr22q11.2 AND OR a fusion of ABL-BCR

der.12p ?

jharenza commented 3 years ago

Oh yes - I have a new email from Sarah and still have to compile this - we will not search fro these, but rather include in the subtype itself. Have to think about how we want to do this.