Closed zerokeeper closed 3 years ago
thank your good tools,i want to change massdns output fomat 'Snl' to 'S', i modify thif file code args := []string{"-q", "-r", resolvers, "-o", "S", "-t", "A", "--retry", "REFUSED", "--retry", "SERVFAIL", "-w", output}
args := []string{"-q", "-r", resolvers, "-o", "S", "-t", "A", "--retry", "REFUSED", "--retry", "SERVFAIL", "-w", output}
but after the no domain found,only foud one domain. can you help me what to do change this fomat,and work normally. thank you!
puredns -r resolvers.txt resolve subdomains.txt _ | | _ __ _ _ _ __ ___ __| |_ __ ___ | '_ \| | | | '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ \/ __| | |_) | |_| | | | __/ (_| | | | \__ \ | .__/ \__,_|_| \___|\__,_|_| |_|___/ | | |_| puredns v2.0.1 Fast and accurate DNS resolving and bruteforcing Crafted with <3 by @d3mondev ------------------------------------------------------------ [+] Mode : resolve [+] File : /tmp/dnstest/subdomains.txt [+] Resolvers : /tmp/resolvers.txt [+] Rate Limit : unlimited [+] Rate Limit (Trusted) : 500 qps [+] Wildcard Threads : 100 [+] Wildcard Tests : 3 ------------------------------------------------------------ Resolving domains with public resolvers [ETA 00:00:00] |██████████████████████████████████████| 200/200 rate: 200 qps (time: 00:00:00) Detecting wildcard root subdomains [ETA 00:00:00] |██████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 queries: 1 (time: 00:00:01) Validating domains against trusted resolvers [ETA 00:00:00] |██████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 rate: 1 qps (time: 00:00:00) Found 1 valid domains:
Unfortunately the -o S output produced by massdns lacks information that puredns requires to detect wildcards. The only output mode that can be supported and adequately parsed by puredns is -o Snl.
-o S
-o Snl
thank your good tools,i want to change massdns output fomat 'Snl' to 'S', i modify thif file code
args := []string{"-q", "-r", resolvers, "-o", "S", "-t", "A", "--retry", "REFUSED", "--retry", "SERVFAIL", "-w", output}
but after the no domain found,only foud one domain. can you help me what to do change this fomat,and work normally. thank you!