d3vilh / openvpn-server

Fast Docker container with OpenVPN Server living inside.
MIT License
65 stars 31 forks source link

Default config/image openvpn does not reply #19

Closed mebert1977 closed 6 months ago

mebert1977 commented 6 months ago

I'm struggling for more than a day with the defaulti install. Can you please send me in a direction? Docker host runs on een ubuntu 22.04 instance

Actions taken: 1) installed a docker container from some random supplier and tested this from a different public ip adres to my openvpn-server docker container(not your d3vilh/openvpn-server) and got it working. So NAT etc, whole shebang of port 1194 routing to docker containers works. 2) installed d3vilh/openvpn-server and used the docker-compose-openvpnui.yml with: uncommented management port 2080 and added cap_add NET_ADMIN in openvpn-ui section otherwise didn't start. This resulted in the 2 containers. The UI did connect to openvpn-server and was fully configurable. Though, the vpnserver did not reply to incomming clients. I changed it to mij PUBLIC_IP:1194, but also tested it internally docker_host:1194. No result. The port udp 1194 was exposed from the container. But no luck 3) next step was to disable iptables in openvpn-server because I had the feeling that the packaets where dropped. not only commented thsi out in docker-entrypoint.sh but also in the container. Did not help 4) added verbose logging to 4 and even 11. No logging after the last openvpn messing that it was started when trying to connect with client. Looks like the request isn't received. 5) changed HOME_SUB to as this is the ip ranged I use at home. no luck. 6) with netstat found udp port 1194 is 'listening' so that was correct in the container(openvpn-server) 7) nc -vz 1194, nc -vz 1194 in the container gave no result. 8) ps -ef show openvpn is running in the container.

Do you have an idea what can be wrong?

mebert1977 commented 6 months ago


mebert1977 commented 6 months ago
openvpn    | Configuring networking rules...
openvpn    | net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
openvpn    | Configuring iptables...
openvpn    | NAT for OpenVPN clients
openvpn    | Blocking ICMP for external clients
openvpn    | Blocking internal home subnet to access from external openvpn clients (Internet still available)
openvpn    | No additional firewall rules to apply.
openvpn    | IPT MASQ Chains:
openvpn    | MASQUERADE  all  --         anywhere
openvpn    | MASQUERADE  all  --         anywhere
openvpn    | IPT FWD Chains:
openvpn    |        0        0 DROP       1    --  *      *            icmptype 8
openvpn    |        0        0 DROP       1    --  *      *            icmptype 0
openvpn    |        0        0 DROP       0    --  *      *
openvpn    | Start openvpn process...
mebert1977 commented 6 months ago
6e9515b376ec:/opt/app# ps -ef
    1 root      0:00 {docker-entrypoi} /bin/bash ./docker-entrypoint.sh
  126 root      0:00 bash
  170 nobody    0:00 /usr/sbin/openvpn --cd /etc/openvpn --script-security 2 --config /etc/openvpn/server.conf
  178 root      0:00 tail -f openvpn.log
d3vilh commented 6 months ago

Hi @mebert1977 as I see the container is running well. For UDP you could use following nc -vzu 1194 to check if it is accessible outside of the server running the container.

mebert1977 commented 6 months ago

Sorry, my mistake.

mebert@VM42:~$ echo -e "\x38\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" |     timeout 10 nc -u 1194 | cat -v
mebert@VM42:~$ echo -e "\x38\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" |     timeout 10 nc -u 1194 | cat -v
mebert@VM42:~$ echo Container started just now
Container started just now
mebert@VM42:~$ echo -e "\x38\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" |     timeout 10 nc -u 1194 | cat -v

So, I know now that the container is listening on port 1194. VM42 is the hostname of the host running docker, so outside the container.

By the way, I just build the container again without openvpn-ui. Will try to create client.ovpn via the command line.

mebert1977 commented 6 months ago

YESSS, got it working. Overlooke the whole time the following entries in server.conf and now commented them out.

push "route" # Route to Home VPN subnet

push "dhcp-option DNS" # DNS1 server for VPN clients

mebert1977 commented 6 months ago

By the way, really awesome made!