d3vilh / openvpn-ui

Web User Interface for OpenVPN
MIT License
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Client configuration menu issues #41

Closed reamasesa closed 2 weeks ago

reamasesa commented 7 months ago


When I add/change a setting in the client Configuration=>OpenVPN Client section, doesn't matter if I delete the value, it stil lshows when I come back to the page or create a new certificate

I tried initializing all, dropping the DB, nothing helped so, as this is a test instance, I dropped the containers, cleaned the relevant directories and started the containers again

I also saw this message in the OpenVPN container logs openvpn | 2023-12-06 12:57:25 Note: Treating option '--ncp-ciphers' as '--data-ciphers' (renamed in OpenVPN 2.5).


d3vilh commented 7 months ago

Hi @reamasesa

When I add/change a setting in the client Configuration=>OpenVPN Client section, doesn't matter if I delete the value, it stil lshows when I come back to the page or create a new certificate

I tried initializing all, dropping the DB, nothing helped so, as this is a test instance, I dropped the containers, cleaned the relevant directories and started the containers again

Could you share the version of container you are currently running. It is very similar to this issue fixed in 0.9.4.

It seems you may run on 0.9.3 which has bug with updating Client parameters into the DB. you could check version with inspect: docker inspect --format='{{json .Config.Labels}}' d3vilh/openvpn-ui:latest

As I remember you are running x86 version, please confirm this as well. Meanwhile I'll build test server for testing this out more precisely.

reamasesa commented 6 months ago

Hi @reamasesa

When I add/change a setting in the client Configuration=>OpenVPN Client section, doesn't matter if I delete the value, it stil lshows when I come back to the page or create a new certificate I tried initializing all, dropping the DB, nothing helped so, as this is a test instance, I dropped the containers, cleaned the relevant directories and started the containers again

Could you share the version of container you are currently running. It is very similar to this issue fixed in 0.9.4.

It seems you may run on 0.9.3 which has bug with updating Client parameters into the DB. you could check version with inspect: docker inspect --format='{{json .Config.Labels}}' d3vilh/openvpn-ui:latest

As I remember you are running x86 version, please confirm this as well. Meanwhile I'll build test server for testing this out more precisely.

Thanks for your help, I'm using version 0.9.4

{"com.docker.compose.config-hash":"a5fad92df8ac8eed80296ba8f40f258fece07489c658ddfc171f6ca489d40f17","com.docker.compose.container-number":"1","com.docker.compose.depends_on":"","com.docker.compose.image":"sha256:1c66c1cd78c00506e1400e9295906fa2928ef11bb474b737c2fde24603f3d55b","com.docker.compose.oneoff":"False","com.docker.compose.project":"openvpn","com.docker.compose.project.config_files":"/home/ubuntu/openvpn/docker-compose.yml","com.docker.compose.project.working_dir":"/home/ubuntu/openvpn","com.docker.compose.service":"openvpn-ui","com.docker.compose.version":"2.21.0","maintainer":"Mr.Philipp <d3vilh@github.com>","version":"0.9.4"}

{"com.docker.compose.config-hash":"64ac95f8d7f76437c7ae8d04272383e1738bc6fe0032751eb34b4102306922ba","com.docker.compose.container-number":"1","com.docker.compose.depends_on":"","com.docker.compose.image":"sha256:a041fdda29064b9b9d3a51c569ea6e9c28a40e8070483162ead7b7686f5f741e","com.docker.compose.oneoff":"False","com.docker.compose.project":"openvpn","com.docker.compose.project.config_files":"/home/ubuntu/openvpn/docker-compose.yml","com.docker.compose.project.working_dir":"/home/ubuntu/openvpn","com.docker.compose.service":"openvpn","com.docker.compose.version":"2.21.0","maintainer":"Mr.Philipp <d3vilh@github.com>","version":"0.3"}

reamasesa commented 6 months ago

By the way, I'm using image: d3vilh/openvpn-server:0.4-amd64 but as you can see from the output above, it shows "version":"0.3"

d3vilh commented 4 weeks ago

OK, so we had bug #71 "Unable to set client config Proto..." which was fixed in release.

On top of this I did strategic design decision, to take client configuration parameters from the client.config when downloading generated Certificates.

In all the versions before such parameters as Proto, Auth, Cipher were taken from server.config by default (also option to set it in Client configuration exists, but when downloading certs these params were taken form different DB table).

So, now you have to set these parameters as equal in the both Client and Server configuration page independently.

We will leave with this design and will see how much tickets will ba opened :)

Also I think it is better approach, as it gives a little bit more freedom for the configuration.

Bugfix #41 is available in main branch, tested and will be included in future release on this weekend.

@reamasesa thank you for the reporting and all your patience for waiting for this bug fix :)