d3vilh / openvpn-ui

Web User Interface for OpenVPN
MIT License
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Is this to do with me having zsh I wonder. Can you work that into the standalone-install.sh ? #76

Open scottishbay opened 1 month ago

scottishbay commented 1 month ago

Building and packing OpenVPN-UI ./standalone-install.sh: line 103: go: command not found ./standalone-install.sh: line 104: go: command not found ./standalone-install.sh: line 106: bee: command not found ./standalone-install.sh: line 107: bee: command not found Building qrencode ./standalone-install.sh: line 111: cd: build/qrencode: No such file or directory ./standalone-install.sh: line 112: go: command not found chmod: cannot access 'qrencode': No such file or directory Moving qrencode to GOPATH ./standalone-install.sh: line 115: go: command not found mv: cannot stat 'qrencode': No such file or directory

d3vilh commented 1 month ago

Hi @scottishbay As per reported errors you don't have GoLang installed. What arch and disto do you use (uname -a; cat /etc/*release*)? Please note that currently standalone script supports x86-64/amd64 architecture.

To run script using bash from zsh shell you could do following:

  1. locate your bash binary
    pankaban@vilkovo:~ $ which bash
    pankaban@vilkovo:~ $
  2. Run the script:
    pankaban@vilkovo:~ $ /usr/bin/bash standalone-install.sh

    If you don't have bash - install it :)

If you have Debian based Arm64(Raspberry-64) server then you could install it this way before runningstandalone-install.sh :

wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.22.3.linux-arm64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.3.linux-arm64.tar.gz
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" | sudo tee -a /etc/profile
source /etc/profile
go version 
d3vilh commented 1 week ago

Hi @scottishbay how is it going? did you manage to install it? Can we close this one?