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Test fails to detect adblock with uBlock Origin in Firefox #73

Closed Dyrimon closed 1 year ago

Dyrimon commented 1 year ago

Browser: Firefox (with arkenfox profile) OS: Fedora 38 Plasma Adblock Solution: NextDNS (HaGeZi Multi Pro++) + uBlock Origin with medium mode

Description of Issue: The test fails to detect adblocking, resulting in 19% only. Adding @@*$redirect-rule to filter list raises it up to 99%, only missing Dynamic Ad.

Brave browser with strict blocking and strict fingerprinting blocks everything, result 100%. Also using the same NextDNS filter list.

Test Result: 19%

Test Log:

script_ads : true script_pagead : true script_partenrads : true

Amazon => n° tests => 5 Google Ads => n° tests => 4 Doubleclick.net => n° tests => 5 Adcolony => n° tests => 4 Media.net => n° tests => 3 Ads => Total n° tests => 21

Google Analytics => n° tests => 5 Hotjar => n° tests => 7 MouseFlow => n° tests => 7 FreshWorks => n° tests => 3 Luckyorange => n° tests => 8 Stats WP Plugin => n° tests => 1 Analytics => Total n° tests => 31

Bugsnag => n° tests => 4 Sentry => n° tests => 2 Error Trackers => Total n° tests => 6

Facebook => n° tests => 2 Twitter => n° tests => 2 LinkedIn => n° tests => 2 Pinterest => n° tests => 5 Reddit => n° tests => 2 YouTube => n° tests => 1 TikTok => n° tests => 7 Social Trackers => Total n° tests => 21

Yahoo => n° tests => 11 Yandex => n° tests => 7 Unity => n° tests => 4 Mix => Total n° tests => 22

Realme => n° tests => 4 Xiaomi => n° tests => 8 Oppo => n° tests => 4 Huawei => n° tests => 6 OnePlus => n° tests => 2 Samsung => n° tests => 5 Apple => n° tests => 10 OEMs => Total n° tests => 39

cosmetic_static_ad : true

cosmetic_dynamic_ad : false

an.facebook.com - blocked ads-api.tiktok.com - blocked ads-sg.tiktok.com - blocked advertising.yahoo.com - blocked adtago.s3.amazonaws.com - not blocked analyticsengine.s3.amazonaws.com - not blocked analytics.s3.amazonaws.com - not blocked pagead2.googlesyndication.com - not blocked adservice.google.com - not blocked pagead2.googleadservices.com - not blocked afs.googlesyndication.com - not blocked stats.g.doubleclick.net - not blocked ad.doubleclick.net - not blocked static.doubleclick.net - not blocked m.doubleclick.net - not blocked mediavisor.doubleclick.net - not blocked ads30.adcolony.com - not blocked adc3-launch.adcolony.com - not blocked events3alt.adcolony.com - not blocked wd.adcolony.com - not blocked static.media.net - not blocked media.net - not blocked adservetx.media.net - not blocked app-measurement.com - not blocked analytics.google.com - not blocked click.googleanalytics.com - not blocked google-analytics.com - not blocked ssl.google-analytics.com - not blocked adm.hotjar.com - not blocked identify.hotjar.com - not blocked insights.hotjar.com - not blocked script.hotjar.com - not blocked surveys.hotjar.com - not blocked careers.hotjar.com - not blocked events.hotjar.io - not blocked mouseflow.com - not blocked cdn.mouseflow.com - not blocked o2.mouseflow.com - not blocked gtm.mouseflow.com - not blocked api.mouseflow.com - not blocked tools.mouseflow.com - not blocked cdn-test.mouseflow.com - not blocked freshmarketer.com - not blocked claritybt.freshmarketer.com - not blocked fwtracks.freshmarketer.com - not blocked luckyorange.com - not blocked api.luckyorange.com - not blocked realtime.luckyorange.com - not blocked cdn.luckyorange.com - not blocked w1.luckyorange.com - not blocked upload.luckyorange.net - not blocked cs.luckyorange.net - not blocked settings.luckyorange.net - not blocked stats.wp.com - not blocked notify.bugsnag.com - not blocked sessions.bugsnag.com - not blocked api.bugsnag.com - not blocked app.bugsnag.com - not blocked browser.sentry-cdn.com - not blocked app.getsentry.com - not blocked pixel.facebook.com - not blocked static.ads-twitter.com - not blocked ads-api.twitter.com - not blocked ads.linkedin.com - not blocked analytics.pointdrive.linkedin.com - not blocked ads.pinterest.com - not blocked log.pinterest.com - not blocked analytics.pinterest.com - not blocked trk.pinterest.com - not blocked widgets.pinterest.com - not blocked events.reddit.com - not blocked events.redditmedia.com - not blocked ads.youtube.com - not blocked analytics.tiktok.com - not blocked analytics-sg.tiktok.com - not blocked business-api.tiktok.com - not blocked ads.tiktok.com - not blocked log.byteoversea.com - not blocked ads.yahoo.com - not blocked analytics.yahoo.com - not blocked geo.yahoo.com - not blocked udc.yahoo.com - not blocked udcm.yahoo.com - not blocked analytics.query.yahoo.com - not blocked partnerads.ysm.yahoo.com - not blocked log.fc.yahoo.com - not blocked adtech.yahooinc.com - not blocked extmaps-api.yandex.net - not blocked appmetrica.yandex.ru - not blocked adfstat.yandex.ru - not blocked metrika.yandex.ru - not blocked adfox.yandex.ru - not blocked iot-eu-logser.realme.com - not blocked iot-logser.realme.com - not blocked api.ad.xiaomi.com - not blocked data.mistat.xiaomi.com - not blocked data.mistat.india.xiaomi.com - not blocked data.mistat.rus.xiaomi.com - not blocked sdkconfig.ad.xiaomi.com - not blocked sdkconfig.ad.intl.xiaomi.com - not blocked globalapi.ad.xiaomi.com - not blocked tracking.rus.miui.com - not blocked adx.ads.oppomobile.com - not blocked metrics.data.hicloud.com - not blocked metrics2.data.hicloud.com - not blocked grs.hicloud.com - not blocked logservice.hicloud.com - not blocked logservice1.hicloud.com - not blocked logbak.hicloud.com - not blocked click.oneplus.cn - not blocked open.oneplus.net - not blocked samsungads.com - not blocked smetrics.samsung.com - not blocked nmetrics.samsung.com - not blocked samsung-com.112.2o7.net - not blocked analytics-api.samsunghealthcn.com - not blocked metrics.icloud.com - not blocked metrics.apple.com - not blocked metrics.mzstatic.com - not blocked api-adservices.apple.com - not blocked books-analytics-events.apple.com - not blocked weather-analytics-events.apple.com - not blocked notes-analytics-events.apple.com - not blocked advice-ads.s3.amazonaws.com - blocked offerwall.yandex.net - blocked webview.unityads.unity3d.com - blocked config.unityads.unity3d.com - blocked auction.unityads.unity3d.com - blocked adserver.unityads.unity3d.com - blocked adsfs.oppomobile.com - blocked bdapi-in-ads.realmemobile.com - blocked bdapi-ads.realmemobile.com - blocked ck.ads.oppomobile.com - blocked tr.iadsdk.apple.com - blocked data.ads.oppomobile.com - blocked advertising.apple.com - blocked iadsdk.apple.com - blocked advertising-api-eu.amazon.com - blocked gemini.yahoo.com - blocked advertising.yandex.ru - blocked

Total : 150 Blocked : 29 Not Blocked : 121

Dyrimon commented 1 year ago

The problem seems to be gone. I have no idea why. Maybe some bad browser config? So far it's the same as before.