d43m0nhLInt3r / socialblocklists

Blocklists to block the communication to social networking sites and privacy harming services
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Wildcard Root Domain (www, etc?) #41

Open x86txt opened 2 years ago

x86txt commented 2 years ago

None of these blocklists have root wildcard domain blocking. So for example, www tiktok.com still works, but tiktok.com doesn't. Same for youtube, facebook, etc. I've verified this with the latest Pi-Hole and pfBlockerNG.

I'm not sure if this is intentional, but for those of us using these blocklists, adding a .rootdomain.com to the blocklist will accomplish root domain blocking. e.g. .tiktok.com or .youtube.com.

You can do this in Pi-Hole via Group Management -> Domains -> RegEx filter:


In pfBlockerNG you can add custom domains under the DNSBL List. Just make sure to add it as a regular expression (RegEx) like .tiktok.com or .youtube.com. The "." is a wildcard and the most important.

Note: If this is in fact an oversight, I'd be happy to submit a PR to fix it. Please just let me know @d43m0nhLInt3r and thank you for your hard work compiling these lists.

d43m0nhLInt3r commented 2 years ago

So, I checked it out. The fact that not everything is written in Regex format is because some programs had problems with Regex, which is why, for example, the Tiktok block list was divided into 2 lists.

with regex: https://github.com/d43m0nhLInt3r/socialblocklists/blob/master/TikTok/tiktokblocklist.txt

without regex: https://github.com/d43m0nhLInt3r/socialblocklists/blob/master/TikTok/tiktokblocklistWithoutRegex.txt

If you want to create a pull request, you are welcome to do so. Surely there will be others who will benefit from. Thank you very much