d99kris / nchat

Terminal-based Telegram / WhatsApp client for Linux and macOS
MIT License
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Status of muted chats is not correctly synchronized #242

Open gilcu3 opened 1 month ago

gilcu3 commented 1 month ago


At least using Whatsapp, it seems that the status of muted chats is not correctly synchronized. In the phone apps you can mute a chat for a period, or forever. It seems nchat does not notice either when it is not running at the time of the chat change.

How to reproduce it:

with nchat closed, unmute a chat in whatsapp, then open nchat. The chat will still be muted.


d99kris commented 1 month ago

Hi @gilcu3 - I did a quick test here and "manually" muting or unmuting a chat in WhatsApp (while nchat is not running) reflects correctly for me once nchat is started.

However, Mute for 8 hours / 1 week with automatic unmute might not work correctly. I'll need to check that.

gilcu3 commented 1 month ago

Hi @d99kris you are partly right, it does work manually muting or unmuting, except in this case:

I am using muted_position_by_timestamp=0, therefore muted chats appear at the end. At the beginning nchat is closed, the chat is muted. In another client the chat is unmuted. Then nchat is opened, the unmuted chat should go to the front (it has recent messages), but it remains in the back. Surprisingly if I open it, somehow nchat updates its state and the chat goes to the correct position.

The other case where muting is only by a period I think also doesnt work, but maybe it is just the same bug described before.

d99kris commented 1 month ago

Hi @gilcu3 - ok thanks, that is useful information 👍