Closed movie3105 closed 5 years ago
Did you properly download and place all the required files?
i guess so sir,but ill try to make another clone to start form the begining again to see if i make a mistake
If it does not work then post here the hierarchy of the folders
actually the hierarchy is the same with the one in only the data/imagenet_weight got added but here the hierarchy hierarchy.txt
You placed all the files in data/VOCdevkit
while that folder should be data/VOCdevkit2007
Here it is how it should be
├── cache
│ └── voc_2007_trainval_gt_roidb.pkl
├── coco
│ ├── common
│ ├── license.txt
│ ├── LuaAPI
│ ├── MatlabAPI
│ ├── PythonAPI
│ ├── README.txt
│ └── results
├── demo
│ ├── 000456.jpg
│ ├── 000457.jpg
│ ├── 000542.jpg
│ ├── 001150.jpg
│ ├── 001763.jpg
│ └── 004545.jpg
├── imagenet_weights
│ └── vgg16.ckpt
├── VOCdevkit2007
│ ├── create_segmentations_from_detections.m
│ ├── devkit_doc.pdf
│ ├── example_classifier.m
│ ├── example_detector.m
│ ├── example_layout.m
│ ├── example_segmenter.m
│ ├── local
│ ├── results
│ ├── viewanno.m
│ ├── viewdet.m
│ ├── VOC2007
│ └── VOCcode
├── scripts
@morpheusthewhite thank you sir now it's work ill try to training my dataset now please help me again if i occured error again in the future my gratitude to you sir
You're welcome
Set proposal method: gt
Appending horizontally-flipped training examples...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 215, in
@morpheusthewhite why this error occured ? i already delete all the former training data a at E:\Program\Faster-RCNN-TensorFlow-Python3-master\data\VOCdevkit2007\VOC2007\JPEGImages and change it to my own dataset but why it searching for the old dataset ?
can you explain how can i resolve this error ?
i am newbie in this field can someone tell me how to solve this problem. i'm trying to train my own dataset and already put my anotation and my image to proper directory but why this error occurred ?