da-h / AirLatex.vim

Overleaf / ShareLatex in Vim
MIT License
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Stuck connecting #29

Closed ajoino closed 3 years ago

ajoino commented 4 years ago

When using the :AirLatex command, I get stuck on a screen looking like this:


Status      : Connecting
Last Update : 08:21:00
Quit All    : enter

It also displays an error in the bottom E490: No fold found.

I've followed the installation steps, tried reinstalling the plugin but I still get stuck. I am logged in on both Firefox and Chromium, I've tried specifying the browser let g:AirLatexCookieBrowser with no luck.

I wish I could help, this plugin looks amazing, but I know very little about writing vim plugins. Do you have a good resource to get started?

da-h commented 4 years ago

Hi @ajoino,

you are using on neovim, right? Do you use the official overleaf.com server or a custom instance?

Best wishes, da-h

PS: Regarding your question about vim-plugin resources: The thing with vim plugins is that you have to decide which users you are targeting. Despite vim8 being close to neovims capabilities, neovims plugin-support regarding Python is IMHO better, especially for asynchronous features. (See https://pynvim.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ - that is the framework in which AirLatex is written.) However, vimscript has become a nice language with many features that work very well with vim. Also, it vimscript is compatible with vim and neovim, pynvim on the other hand is unfortunately not without further work.

ajoino commented 4 years ago

Yes I am using neovim, and I am using the official overleaf server.

I also have some updates. Now, it will first launch the KDE Wallet Service, but after I enter the password the wallet service closes and nothing happens.

Just to make sure I'm doing this correctly, am I supposed to log in using firefox before starting AirLatex or does that not matter?

GaetanLepage commented 4 years ago

I face the exact same problem. I use neovim and have Python3 and pynvim working.

I tried to look at the log file but I could not find it...

GaetanLepage commented 4 years ago

I managed to get logging working by setting let g:AirLatexLogLevel="DEBUG" . Then, I solved the login issue by manually specifying that I am using Firefox : let g:AirLatexCookieBrowser="firefox".

I can now log in but I get very weird behaviors. When opening a project I get msg: Unknown Code:7:::1+0.

da-h commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the feedback. I know about the code:7 problem. Unfortunately I could not fix this problem yet.

The problem described here has to do with the official Overleaf servers. (It does not occur with my own sharelatex instances). (See also #28. Since then, I did not have the time to work on this, though)

Since Overleaf does not offer an official API, I have to reverse-engineer the bug myself.
I would be grateful for any help, and I will contact you as soon as I have something new.

Best wishes da-h

GaetanLepage commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your help and your work on this project. Good luck for fixing this !

ajoino commented 4 years ago

I concur, thank you for working on this and good luck!

If you need help with testing just ask.

da-h commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone, I tackled the project again today!

I set up a local Overleaf instance and tested AirLatex against the most recent version. As far as I can tell the basic functions are usable again.

If there is still interest in the project status do not hesitate to try it out. Please let me know if I am mistaken. I am very curious to see if the current version allows for a basic connection in the cases mentioned here.

However, I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the project is still in WIP status. For example, there is currently no error message if the connection is interrupted. (Actually that's the next thing that I will tackle, knowing that the bug that I could not solve without looking deeper into the severs code seems to be solved now.)

I therefore recommend that you currently only use the project for testing purposes -- or only with caution.

Best, da-h

da-h commented 3 years ago

Since, as far as I can tell, exactly this bug has been fixed recently (see #33), I'll close this issue for now.

Should the problem still occur contrary to expectations, please let me know. Feel free to reopen this issue. :)