da03 / Attention-OCR

Visual Attention based OCR
MIT License
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What dependencies' versions to run this? #103

Open gabrielziegler3 opened 4 years ago

gabrielziegler3 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I have been struggling to run a demo of this project for a few hours now because it lacks a requirements.txt that allows everyone to download and run this project.

I am currently using a docker container with python 3.6 image with the following dependencies:

---------- -------
Keras      1.1.1  
numpy      1.17.3 
olefile    0.46   
Pillow     4.2.1  
pip        19.2.3 
protobuf   3.10.0 
PyYAML     5.1.2  
scipy      1.3.1  
setuptools 41.2.0 
six        1.12.0 
tensorflow 0.12.1 
Theano     1.0.4  
tqdm       4.36.1 
wheel      0.33.6 

and running the line:

python src/launcher.py --phase=train --data-path=sample/sample.txt --data-base-dir=sample --log-path=log.txt --no-load-model

gives me: AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.contrib.rnn' has no attribute 'core_rnn_cell'

even tho I am using TF version 0.12.1 as described in the README.

Does anyone have a dockerfile or a config file to run this project that actually works on everyone's machine? It seems that everyone needs to figure out their own and be changing a few lines of code to make it work...

SpookyMask commented 4 years ago

Hi, a bit delayed, but I managed to run it with tensorflow 1.0 and without distance.