daKmoR / rocket

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Use SuperTinyIcons instead of "bigger" svgs or pngs for logos #114

Open daKmoR opened 3 years ago

daKmoR commented 3 years ago


bennypowers commented 3 years ago

You could probably get similar results by running SVGs through SVGOMG

daKmoR commented 3 years ago

those are hand-optimized (e.g. redraw with minimum shapes and points)... so they are even smaller

compare for github:

original:  986 characters
<path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.18391.249268C3.82241.249268.253906 3.81777.253906 8.17927c0 3.46933 2.279874 6.44313 5.451874 7.53353.3965.0991.49563-.1983.49563-.3965v-1.3878c-2.18075.4956-2.67638-.9912-2.67638-.9912-.3965-.8922-.89212-1.1895-.89212-1.1895-.69388-.4957.09912-.4957.09912-.4957.793.0992 1.1895.793 1.1895.793.69388 1.2887 1.88338.8922 2.27988.6939.09912-.4956.29737-.8921.49562-1.0904-1.78425-.1982-3.5685-.8921-3.5685-3.96496 0-.89212.29738-1.586.793-2.08162-.09912-.19825-.3965-.99125.09913-2.08163 0 0 .69387-.19825 2.18075.793.59475-.19825 1.28862-.29737 1.9825-.29737.69387 0 1.38775.09912 1.98249.29737 1.4869-.99125 2.1808-.793 2.1808-.793.3965 1.09038.1982 1.88338.0991 2.08163.4956.59475.793 1.28862.793 2.08162 0 3.07286-1.8834 3.66766-3.66764 3.86586.29737.3965.59474.8921.59474 1.586v2.1808c0 .1982.0991.4956.5948.3965 3.172-1.0904 5.4518-4.0642 5.4518-7.53353-.0991-4.3615-3.6676-7.930002-8.02909-7.930002z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>

svgomg: 744 characters
<path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.184.25C3.822.25.254 3.817.254 8.18c0 3.469 2.28 6.442 5.452 7.533.396.099.495-.198.495-.397V13.93c-2.18.495-2.676-.992-2.676-.992-.396-.892-.892-1.19-.892-1.19-.694-.495.099-.495.099-.495.793.1 1.19.793 1.19.793.693 1.289 1.883.892 2.28.694.099-.496.297-.892.495-1.09-1.784-.199-3.568-.892-3.568-3.965 0-.892.297-1.586.793-2.082-.1-.198-.397-.991.099-2.082 0 0 .694-.198 2.18.793a6.391 6.391 0 011.983-.297c.694 0 1.388.1 1.982.297 1.487-.99 2.181-.793 2.181-.793.397 1.09.198 1.884.1 2.082.495.595.792 1.289.792 2.082 0 3.072-1.883 3.667-3.667 3.865.297.397.594.893.594 1.587v2.18c0 .198.1.496.595.397 3.172-1.09 5.452-4.064 5.452-7.534-.1-4.361-3.668-7.93-8.03-7.93z" clip-rule="evenodd"/>

tiny: 444 characters
<rect width="512" height="512" rx="15%" fill="#1B1817"/><path fill="#fff" d="M335 499c14 0 12 17 12 17H165s-2-17 12-17c13 0 16-6 16-12l-1-50c-71 16-86-28-86-28-12-30-28-37-28-37-24-16 1-16 1-16 26 2 40 26 40 26 22 39 59 28 74 22 2-17 9-28 16-35-57-6-116-28-116-126 0-28 10-51 26-69-3-6-11-32 3-67 0 0 21-7 70 26 42-12 86-12 128 0 49-33 70-26 70-26 14 35 6 61 3 67 16 18 26 41 26 69 0 98-60 120-117 126 10 8 18 24 18 48l-1 70c0 6 3 12 16 12z"/>
bennypowers commented 3 years ago

ahh, for those truly committed to loading performance